> But, but, you're supposed to be scared that line won't go up anymore!
Line is mostly fake anyways. Real economic prosperity stalled in the 1970s and has been declining ever since. Papering over it with financial bullshit doesn't change this.
@teknomunk@boeswilligkeit The "crisis" is completely born of inflation if I had to guess, though note that even at that image size it's easy to pick out the state capitals in those pink states. They're basically mini-DCs that exist only because of being a middle man taking a cut from every government transaction in the state, and *those* areas, the areas where our local lords live, have more "housing issues" than the hinterlands.
@teknomunk@boeswilligkeit I live in one of those pink states and yet the state government is super vexed about the "housing crisis" in the state, to the point that they're mulling over killing off any local zoning regulations that attempt to keep developers in check. 😒
Maybe if we dropped to our knees and begged Hispanics to immigrate to America they'd come rescue us. What do Hispanics look like anyway, I've never seen one before?