The intriguing part is how as communism progresses, the idea that businesses must be run only for the common good expands, but the expectation that politicians do weakens.
The excuse being that somehow after they "fix" the businesses they can come back for the rulers.
This is because the basic assumptions are that: -power functions the way it does because of the bourgeoisie/money power -the "proletariat" is always correct (and obviously, politicians are chosen by the "proletariat")
@doctorsex also, I hate marx and socialists. They are midwit wordcels that thought if they create fancy words like "praxis" or "anthesis/thesis/synthesis" for old ideas, they could claim it was new.
Guess what faggots, slapping a science paint on sophistry
@TrevorGoodchild@doctorsex but I do agree that "money power" is a new form of power in society. Merchants had very little power prior to the middle ages. First real time they did was in Italy, iirc.
And until we find a good balance for the power that economic actions generate we're going to be constantly wobbling.
@TrevorGoodchild@doctorsex they just took fractional reserve to its logical conclusion - "as long as there is a return in the end, it's OK, the only mistake is being caught with the bag"
I think the modern iteration where everything is propped up by the financial and investment industries is uniquely insidious and rapacious in ways that money power hasn't been in the past
@doctorsex@TrevorGoodchild for sure. The control that money power has been able to generate has been immense.
It used to be that wisdom and knowledge would support priest classes, but now knowledge is fed into industry which produces products which feeds into money power.
@doctorsex@TrevorGoodchild But we are reaching a point where the massive gains due to new knowledge are coming to an end point and people will question this power.
@TrevorGoodchild@doctorsex what hitchhiker's cautions is that you can't always assume the value add is obvious, and sometimes people having a thing to do so they don't cause trouble is worth it.
Other times things like gas station attendant seem ridiculous, but when viewed as an entry position into a mechanic, it makes sense.
@dubbub@TrevorGoodchild@doctorsex "One way to see lenocracy in action is to go walking through the old downtown district of any small city or large town in today’s America. You’ll find a lot of empty storefronts. If you stop into a local bar, have a few beers, and ask some carefully chosen questions, you’ll discover two fascinating things."
I am, if anything, a proponent of carefully chosen questions.
@teknomunk@doctorsex@sickburnbro In both Russia and China oligarchs know that their life expectancy can be severely curtailed if they fuck around. Look at how the CCP broke Jack Ma.
Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Jamie Dimon, and Mark Cuban have never felt such fears. That should be corrected.
> Russia has its own problems with lenocracy—nearly all modern nations do—but it also has a leadership ruthless enough that any lenocrat whose exactions get in the way of military production risks an accidental fall from a tenth-story window.
And this is probably a major reason why NATO is getting trounced in Ukraine: Russia is still a serious country that looks out for its own interests.
@doctorsex@AmonMaritza@teknomunk@TrevorGoodchild not so much in all cases. Because the system demands enthusiastic consent now, and the cost of going against it is high and they can work around it.
As an example, notice Cuban changing the language of DEI stuff in his companies. Ask why he did that but all the while claiming he wants "the best" or whatever he was saying
> The point that I want to make here is that the real problem with growing your own vegetables—the real problem, in fact, with doing anything for yourself, or for your family and friends and community—is that there’s no way for pimps to cash in on it. It’s as though people were pairing up and heading off to bed without any cash changing hands, leaving pimps to stand helplessly around and wonder where their next month’s rent is coming from.
It gives an entirely new veiw on the "climate change" hoax. They want to stick pimps in between everyone and activities as simple as breathing.
@AmonMaritza@teknomunk@doctorsex@TrevorGoodchild the smart businessman says "if the system requires that I hire incompetent people, the best I can do is make sure my competitors hire more of the incompetent ones"
@TrevorGoodchild@AmonMaritza@teknomunk@doctorsex the closest you will get it stuff like the tobacco industry where society started to move entirely against it and they fought a battle to keep themselves in business.
@sickburnbro I maintain that a lot of people dont actually believe all the ideological bullshit They are simply spiteful dysgenic freaks who want a hollow ecuse to attack their enemies and want to be the guy on the top or one of his friends
@TrevorGoodchild@teknomunk@doctorsex@sickburnbro Tinfoil hat time: i believe guys like Billy gates, jeff bozo, mark cuckberg etc, they are all actors. They play the role to characterise our oppression and deflect from the real power who actually own these big monopolies. This is important optics because if we the people knew that 2 families of less than 20 people own everything it would be over for them, and they know that. That's why jeff had such a high media published divorce, it is a mind trick because if normals believe one thing then they must by implication believe the other. Like the covid for example, if you believe it was a bioweapon made in a lab because the jewish media printed that, then by default you can't believe that there was no covid and they just rebranded the flu so they could stick swabs of sentient worms up White humans noses.
Back to topic, these super rich oligarchs may be actors too. Endless stories about how expensive their yacht is or how massive their house is. Then they commit suicide? All told by the news of course.
If it is in the msn, it is made up. Everything, and i mean everything, is fake and geh. Very geh, and very fake.
You may now remove your tinfoil hat and return to normal consumption.
@Jonaschuzzlewit@teknomunk@doctorsex@6gorillianbarsofjewsoap@TrevorGoodchild The reason this is important is that if you compare say, a scripted drama versus the "reality tv" model - the costs associated with the later are much lower, because you aren't making everything fake look real, you're taking what is real and adding a director.
If you scale up, the costs dont improve, much easier to show up as the director and make sure people know when someone is going off reservation