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help_helper ('s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2024 16:37:56 JST help_helper We get these dudes around here, called grapevine beetles. They’re big dorks and they’re very friendly. I like to let them land on me and they just vibe on my head/shoulder while I work. - BowserNoodle ☦️ likes this.
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BowserNoodle ☦️ ('s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2024 16:43:03 JST BowserNoodle ☦️ @CatLord @help_helper Caterpillar Hunters are my favorite. I like the woods and these fellas do too. Somehow they also end up on the beach. They can fly but rarely do it for long, and my cat likes to chase them. I've seen these as far south as SC. -
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DM me cats :nv: ('s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2024 16:43:04 JST DM me cats :nv: @help_helper I love scarabs -
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DM me cats :nv: ('s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2024 20:32:19 JST DM me cats :nv: @BowsacNoodle @help_helper We have these in Australia. Christmas beetles -
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BowserNoodle ☦️ ('s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2024 20:32:19 JST BowserNoodle ☦️ @CatLord @help_helper That golden one reminds me of Aladdin.