Last week was my first time really looking into what settings are available to admins who run their own instance. I was a bit surprised to find there isn't much there. At least through I don't think they hide settings though. Only some of the deeper technical stuff.
Here's the snapshot of my sidekiq status again. The take away here is that there was no huge spike this morning. This is normal usage. It still produced upwards of 15K jobs that need to be completed. That's just doesn't feel like a reasonable design for this kind of system.
I'm once again experiencing very slow read and write times since I dropped back to the lowest paid tier. Please let me know if there's something you can do.
So here's my best theory. I know that another implicit way to enable federation is if a user on my instance follows a user on another instance. My instance will start pulling those posts in automatically and putting them into that user's feed. It looks like that kind of implicit federation is not shown in the tools? That's very surprising to me.
As I continue to educate myself about how mastodon and ActivityPub currently works, I found myself asking a basic question. How do I see the list of servers I'm currently federated with?
I expected to see a list of servers that I federate with. There is a view that looks like it *should* show that list. Under the moderation tools. But it was empty.
@polotek@mastohost A year ago or so I remember someone talking about how they basically DDOS’d themselves because they had a decent number of followers and posted a spicy take or a “it’s my birthday” message and got hammered with replies. Maybe @aral ?