alright real talk, has anyone here actually tried the Raw milk, Raw meat or any fad thats similar and actually seen results. most of the time this shit just seems like people poking fun but there seems to be a lot of people that will swear up and down by it, and i wonder whether thats just a shitpost too
Raw beef is pretty good too. You just gotta cut it thinly so it can be chewed better. I personally love the taste, but it's probably not for everyone. That being said nice healthy grassfed beef will always taste better than grainfed and grainfinished CAFO garbage
@WhiteJihadJaws@Leaflord i had a nice prime rib for my last bday and ordered it rare but prolly would have liked it more medium rare . it sorta felt...stringy i guess?
@Nudhul@Leaflord@WhiteJihadJaws I've found that a lot of cuts don't work well for rare because places have a hard time rendering down the fat properly and it feels like chewing on rubber bands. It needs to be cooked in such a way that the fat melts down but the meat it still soft and red. Actually kind of hard to do on a rare steak. Medium is my go to nowadays because it's hard to mess up.
@Nudhul@Leaflord@WhiteJihadJaws Yes exactly. Porterhouse is one of my favorite cuts, but you pretty much can't eat that below medium rare and most place need medium to handle it.
@kf01@Leaflord@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul Do you know the difference between jelly and jam? You can't jelly your way into the HR office by telling the real version of this joke.
@kf01@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@WhiteJihadJaws you the kind of nigga who plays dragons dogma and sees meat on the cusp of spoiling being the most curative and saying yeah that makes sense
@Dan_Hulson@BowsacNoodle@Nudhul@Leaflord i mean that seems like the way to go, so I can't judge. for the time being though, I'll take any chance I can get to have a good steak regardless of where it comes from, if the cow went through something horrific, its at least owed being put to good use
@WhiteJihadJaws@BowsacNoodle@Nudhul@Leaflord Yes, Goring was fat so nobody listened to him but seriously I have meat around once a week and I buy good quality meat that I know has been raised well and butchered as humanely as possible but I won't lecture people about it
@WhiteJihadJaws@Dan_Hulson@Nudhul@Leaflord I buy my beef from a farmer who grass feeds, grain finishes, and butchers on site. Family business, so it's clean and everybody wins. I would prefer if I could get all my meats that way, but I'll settle for that for the majority for right now.
@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord All I'm saying is if it's already dead, it's best to not let it suffer. I am more against wasting food than anything; the animal shouldn't have been abused in a factory farm. It has already happened, and it would go from sad to tragic if it weren't at least eaten. I understand this makes one complicit in exploitative factory farming, hence my decision to buy my beef outside of said system.
@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord something vegans and animal lovers need to understand is, that livestock and wild animals that roam the woods, aren't the same, livestock have been slectively bred over centuries to basicly have no wild instincts.
@givenup@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@Nudhul@Leaflord no one here is a vegan dude and no one here is arguing any different, i think you just stumbled onto a conversation that you're misunderstanding
@givenup@WhiteJihadJaws@Dan_Hulson@Nudhul@Leaflord I think it's a joke, friend. Regardless, you're correct that we have a symbiotic relationship with these animals. Chickens would exist in the wild, but the big fat breasted abominations raised by Tyson and Co. would not (they get too top heavy to walk properly). Chickens are true symbiosis IMO, as they basically thrive when protected by people and they're just laying eggs for no reason if not fertilized.
@WhiteJihadJaws@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@Nudhul@Leaflord you guys were talking about how much you consume meat, dan said 'Like hitler would hav ewanted' and i'm like how much meat you consume is not poltical, but his implication is that for him it was, and then you might ahve noticed the other two things he's said to me since then.
We currently have too many from our last incubation . A few of the ladies are losing feathers. We are bout to hold a freezer restock day soon cut down to 2 roosters
@BowsacNoodle@WhiteJihadJaws@Dan_Hulson@Nudhul@Leaflord naw it doesn't hurt, i've eaten plenty, it's w/e the birds won't develope inside hte egg in the temps the fridge keeps 'em, but i did find out a chicken egg is good for over a week just sitting out in the normal weather, cuz generally chickens won't even sit eggs till there's a few in the nest anyway, then they'll gather any egg they can find and add it to their pile and sit 'em
@kf01@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws@givenup@Nudhul It's the wash. They remove the membrane which is protects the eggs and wash them in ammonia. The shells are semipermeable, so you have to refrigerate it at that point. Factory farms are so unsanitary they were getting salmonella infested membranes and people who didn't wipe off the eggs before use were cracking them and it's touching the membrane on its way to the bowl. Fine if you're baking cookies right away, but potential food poisoning if you're making something with raw egg in it.
@Nudhul@white_male@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws i don't have any bad experiences with the local amish tbh, i don't dislike them or like htem particualrly i mostly ignore them and they always pull off the road to let cars pass when they ride their dumb buggies
@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws@givenup >Kansas. Trespassing is permitted by licensed hunters in order to pursue a wounded game bird or animal, except that if the owner of the land instructs the hunter to leave, the hunter must leave immediately. Yeah, i suspected there's exceptions to it, probably more than one. It's probably hard to enforce them and they take advantage. Is that the end game?
@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@WhiteJihadJaws@givenup >i just dont like the amish I figured. ;] Yeah, hunting is such an old bag of customs and laws, many people don't like it. What's your gripe with Amish apart from that issue? They seem pretty trad and quite based in general.
@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@givenup i know quite a bit of people irl that have a pretty uncharitable view of the amish and it mostly stems from them generally not giving a shit about anyone outside their own, which i can kind of see both sides. the amish for just giving a shit about their own cultural laws and everyone else seeing that as leading to some pretty stupid clashes. Maybe their needs to be amish reservations, idk
@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@givenup i don't have a lot of good knowledge tbh. they apparently have some good food, their are sectional differences such as the mennonites which I've heard aren't as hardcore with their views but other than that, I can't really tell you much about them. also the amish apparently have this thing where the youth are allowed to go outside their communities and do whatever they want, and take in all that modernity has to offer and afterwards they have an ultimatum, come back and never do back to modernity, or stay in modernity but never be able to return to their original lifestyle. This is all what i've heard from word of mouth and i think a lot of it can just be cleared up more from a google search but I'd just rather wait until i can talk to one directly instead.
@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@givenup not really, i got nothing against them, i just sort of get it from the stories Ive heard. for all i know they could be bullshit, but i know the people that are kind of abrasive towards them more than any amish person. opinions subject to change I guess
@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@givenup Probably, i'm trying to extract some knowledge from you, i might've gotten the Amish wrong, but for sure they don't have social media epidemic and they have barefoot women in the kitchen. ;]
@WhiteJihadJaws@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup I know someone who is second generation former Amish. They shun you and legitimately cut ties, like best friends and parents and grandparents aren't supposed to acknowledge you without an elder present to hear things out and even that is rare and requires apologies to the whole community for abandoning them. It's a weird thing because they have a neat way of separating themselves and rejecting a lot of modernity, but they also do some odd things that are rules-lawyering. >Don't drive or own cars. But It's totally okay to have a shabbos 'English' drive you and 8 others in their van. Someone asked about hunting earlier and here's what I know they'll do: >Maximum number of tags per season (e.g. 3 deer). Get several old dudes in a van with a trailer, all of the tagged deer were totally shot by great grandpa (if approached by game warden). Otherwise they were shot by great great grandpa who never left the house. Same hunters just poaching like 9 deer on private land if not caught and sometimes will claim they were chasing their kill there. Repeat until season ends or they max out entire community's deer tags.
I don't know the rules of the NS but jew greed killing the small farmers made the lives of the animals we eat a living hell.
Old time farmers like my grandparents had free range chickens happy cows and pigs and poison free grains... They died poor as fuck and their farm land they worked for the owner their whole life is now some globo homo GMO conglomerate.
It's the jew lifestyle we have all been taught to chase.
We all have to be viral millionaires but we can't all be so we cut each other's throats and forget what matters in life.
I am glad life woke me up and I am starting to see what matters before it is too late. Fuck the jews. Fuck their globo homo. I may not be able to change it but I will die before it comes up my driveway
@Nudhul@Leaflord@BowsacNoodle@Dan_Hulson@givenup@white_male its really the same with any closenit monoculture that tries to thrive in a nation that has a different overlapping culture. i did call them diet jews earlier but the diet is the main thing. a lot of the problems are minor inconveniences, meanwhile jews will make a tunnel under your city and cause health and safety issues. even the most "innocent" jew will be a major inconvenience. I don't see the amish doing the same thing, though they do sound like dicks sometimes
@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup@white_male I think it's fair to say we can coexist with Amish and learn a thing or two from them. Jews have made it rather clear that coexistence is all but impossible, despite our extreme tolerance of some of their most vile behaviors.
Yeah, i just found the first exception and figured they do that. I imagine sharing tags is common practice and greatly preferable to just poaching which can't be accounted for at all. Amish just get extra crap for it since they max it out in numbers. Nothing stopping everybody else from doing that.
If tags are provisioned appropriately maxing out doesn't exhaust the natural resource, but that's a regulatory matter. They do it purposefully too.
@BowsacNoodle@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup Yeah, arguing the trope then. Amish were some of the favourite targets for fedora tippers, shit stuck and gets repeated our of proportion. They do seem like decent folk, even if they give outsiders the cold shoulder.
@white_male@BowsacNoodle@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup >13-14 year olds doing work they'll probably learn more from that than they'll learn from public schooling. i had a short job as a ranch hand in sophomore year and afterwards i always said "i learned more from shoveling shit than i do in school"
@lilleputt1@white_male@WhiteJihadJaws@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup Wild hogs v thermal IRL rail shooter. For those who think this is cruel, there are huge herds of these and they will decimate a farmer's crops since they uproot planted vegetables. IDK the story about this one, but I know the damage they cause to agriculture and residential properties is enough that some areas have unlimited hunting for them with no tag required.
@Crux_Invictus@BowsacNoodle@lilleputt1@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup my dad would always keep the meat frozen for some time as well. we wouldn't eat them immediately. not saying this had anything to do with parasites but I'd always hear people say things like " lean pork tastes terrible, why would people ever eat that" and I didn't ever understand why, I always liked it. now i figure its because my dad actually put thought into preparing it.
@WhiteJihadJaws@Crux_Invictus@lilleputt1@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup Trichinella will survive freezing because they to into hardy cystic from when inside muscle. You can kill them with high heat, but unfortunately slow and low isn't very safe with wild pigs. I imagine some marinades and brines might work to a point, but ultimately you'd need to get them up to a certain temp. Something where you could take it up to boiling for a bit at the end would be best, like a stew.
@Crux_Invictus@BowsacNoodle@lilleputt1@white_male@Nudhul@Leaflord@Dan_Hulson@givenup lol, i practically lived off wild hog meat for a time and i was fine. Used to hunt them on a lease me and my dad were on in florida. The quality depends on a number of factors, i can definitely believe their inedible else where. i would wager this is why people track them, trap them, release them in certain areas, so people know what their getting into without taking chances.