@rq@mja for me the trapeze shit ruins the rhythm of the game. I'm not a fucking lithe assassin doing flippy shit in the air. I'm a goddamn kiloton of rage in a space suit, give me a bigger gun and a pile of corpses to scale
@prettygood@rq trapeeze shit plus invisible walls plus oh its a doom game hardcore shit right? i love having to make some janky jump with instant respawn because they KNOW its unpleasant yet unskilled to make and trying 20 times plus its so poorly laid out its not even just maze like its confusing
@mja@rq@prettygood Yeah for real. Honestly I would consider Doom Eternal the TGM3 of Doom. Both of them take something that was originally pretty good, compromise it because of executive meddling/design trends, and casuals love it because it's flashy and puts on a good show while the more serious minded players snub their noses at it and continue playing the classics instead.
@higanbana@rq@mja@prettygood You have not played TGM3 so you have absolutely no idea what I'm referring to. Yes, the game has an "Easy" mode (TGM2 also had Normal), but even assuming you're using ARS, three previews + hold along with I floorkicks trivializes a lot of things compared to the earlier games, and the things they add to make up for it (accounts and the COOL/REGRET system) only do so much to counteract that. When it comes to simple survival, TGM1 is probably the easiest GM to achieve followed by the original TGM2, TGM3, and then TGM2+. And actually time attacking, TGM1 is probably the hardest one to optimize with TGM2+ not being far off. Really, most of the reputation TGM3 has is basically just people seeing the Jin8 video and going "wow, this guy is inhuman" when the reality is much more complicated. Also when I say TGM3 is loved by more casual players, it's the natural migration path for Guidelines players because of WORLD rule and the majority of scores for it are done on that mode.
@allison@rq@mja@prettygood >calling the most difficult and inaccessible tetris game in history (grandmaster 3) casual/normie because it has an easy mode or something allison's autism has done it again, folks
@higanbana@rq@mja@prettygood Most of the "features" in TGM3 were executive meddling and the players in Japan and elsewhere recognize this (ACE was even worse in this regard, actually so bad you've probably never heard of it even though it's TGM3.5 in all but name), TGM4/TGM2015 meanwhile actually has a lot of interesting new features but it will literally never be released :(
@higanbana@rq@mja@prettygood Someone actually considered doing it at the 2015 location test but I guess it didn't go thru. Anyway, it should be easy enough to reimplement and copy by eye and the only thing you really miss out on is the cute fox, intricate backgrounds, and anime girl pngs. (assuming you are reimplementing konoha, which, let's be real, is by far the star mode of TGM4) https://invidious.uknow.moe/watch?v=PSBzochNj00