@JoeMama don't see any obvious heebs in their org chart, a lotta spics though. I have no doubt the jews have donated lots of money to them in the past.
@Terry@JoeMama I'm Catholic, but the Catholic church here is flooding us with Congo niggers
That's not super new though. It used to be Haitans. My Catholic school had a family with a kid in my class who's dad was a heart surgeon and he was always huffing his own farts about going to Haiti to do heart surgeries on niggers who don't deserve it
@DEERBLOOD@Terry@JoeMama >Be surgeon blessed with skills and knowledge. want to help people. All charity for free medical treatment is coordinated by (((NGOs))) for foreign countries. Decide to do it anyway because I want to help people. Get called a piece of shit by anonymous fatso on the internet. 🆗 buddy.
@BowsacNoodle@Terry@JoeMama Because fuck third world niggers. They aren't worth a kind thought, let alone the time of a heaet surgeon. Maybe after all the White people here deserving a charity are takeb care he can jack off his ego and go to haiti for the photo ops
@BowsacNoodle@Terry@JoeMama I'm absolutely positive he reeeeally wanted to help indigent White people in his community but he was thwarted by the jews and just HAD go to haiti and then subject us in church to photo slide shows with cheesey feel good music of him in haiti with the precious wittle angewic black kids he helped while everyone told him wowwww good for youuuuu
@DEERBLOOD@Terry@JoeMama Guy with important job not aware of the realities of racial injustice towards Whites in America. In other news, water is wet. How many times did you or anyone else ask him to help out Whites? Why the hell is the default assumption from so many in this sphere that everyone who is White consciously has a racial identity and chooses to betray it? Sorry, but if you grew up insulated from the worst of "diversity", you do not have that cemented into your ideology at any conscious level. This shouldn't be that hard to understand.