@Kjl @ContraindiKate These are hard conversations, but every time I’ve had them I was immediately informed that I would have caught Covid (or something) if I hadn’t had the conversation.
Like making someone wear a mask in my car when they needed a ride, two days later they were sick and found out their best friend had Covid. Because we wore masks in my car I did not catch anything from her when she was pre-symptomatic.
A friend was stopping by for a moment and asked if she could bring her kid, I said sure I’ll just come out and say hi to you guys you don’t have to come in. Then she decided not to bring her kid, I went outside anyway.
The next day her kid woke up sick and tested positive for Covid. If I hadn’t said anything she would’ve been in my apartment the evening before.
I went to visit a friend and I told her I always wear a mask inside with other people so not to take it personally, I sat in her apartment with her and three other people and socialized for more than an hour. We had a great time, the mask was not a problem at all except that I couldn’t sit there and drink water like I do. Anway, two days later she told me she just tested positive for strep throat.
I’ve been shown time and time again that it’s never the wrong decision to be cautious.
Even if it is, worst case is I just wore a mask when it wasn’t necessary, or talked to someone outside instead of on my sofa. But so far the universe keeps showing me that having those difficult conversations is literally saving my life.
#WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver