@Frondeur You are empowered here on the Fediverse. And at least in the areas we can control, we don't ban Satanic imagery, so you are free to tell them to pound sand.
@alex >Christians censored everywhere for a generation...Jews sue whenever a cross is put up near a river or the ten commandments are in a public place...Satanic statues getting put up...people lose their jobs for not speaking compelled speech...
I defended everyone's right to free speech and then they used their free speech to take my free speech so fuck them and their free speech. The right virtue signal of affording your enemies who wish to overthrow you, the same rights you have is dead. There's no point in maintaining the niceties anymore.
@alex so we prolly need to stop that childish mob behavior first instead of reacting to a lone person fed up with double standards and insincere bullshit that is behind that baphomet statue.
The people who put that statue up aren't actually Satanists. It was done simply for provocation.
@reloadedAK@Pantangelini I'm seeing a cultural shift. Are you not? It's slowly becoming okay to be a normal person again and not a complete libtard anymore.
My man, why would they change when they have the power? You're not even a Nazi or really from my perspective, right wing at all. If the communists actually held to principle like you do, then you'd have a point but they're just going to keep stomping on your neck until you shift further and further left with the ever so dynamic Overton window. It's okay to stand up for yourself. If and when things can go back to normal and opposing viewpoints are respected then maybe we can talk about defending our oppositions right to free speech but for now, a shift must be made. You don't kill an oppressive ideology with kindness.
@alex@Pantangelini fwiw my preference is, if you break the law you get punished not prevent baphomet statues but already learned that nobody likes libertarians or their ideas so the sensible solution isn't available so might as well just leverage your power wherever you can to mess with themz
I'm seeing weaklings who just wanna be safe in the flock getting confused on where to stand as they aren't smart enough to be atheists (Sam harris) and too much of dunning kruder midwits to understand most humans need some morality dictated to them through spirituality.
@alex Shitlibs didn’t do it for “free speech” . That’s the trouble with shitlibs, and the Supreme court noticed. Shitlibs believe Christian bakers must bake gay wedding cakes. Shitlibs also believe gay bakers don’t have to bake Christian cakes. There are no principles, only shitlibbing. Asymmetric primitive thinking should not be tolerated.
@polarisera Christians (and people in general) should absolutely not have to bake a cake for anybody they don't want to. This is where we first went wrong.
@Hyolobrika@alex@Pantangelini what I mean is, I prefer that if a statue is put up legally, and you get your friends together to tear it down, you go to jail. but until this is enforced equally I don't give a shit if people smash baphomet statues, I won't lift a finger to defend them
@Pantangelini technically I think that if you're free when you join a union, and you have not ceded your freedom by joining it, you're free to leave it.
@haberdasher I should probably not engage with this, but I do see your point. I would discredit that as a "real" religion in all the ways you would discredit Satanism as a "real" religion. So here is my actual belief: no religion should get tax exemption or special privileges, and we should have actual separation of Church and State.
@alex alright -- we just need to establish the "Church of Raping Alex Gleason's Mother" in California and then lobby that our statue (which bears an uncanny resemblance to Alex Gleason's mother) be erected -- GET IT -- in the Capitol building in Sacramento.
> if the "Church of Raping Alex Gleason's Mother" receives the necessary tax status, then this is a serious organization and its first amendment rights must be respected
>Sorry folks but it has to go both ways. It already doesn't. I'll give a shit about keeping up the tranny goat demon statue when the supreme court reverses that ruling where they can't have a copy of the ten commandments on the wall in a classroom.
The statues sure, those are just testing religious freedoms. If you fight religious freedoms, like the left fights free speech, then you are attacking yourself.
Those same woke fuckers take it too far though, repeatedly pushing for groomers to be in contact with kids. And once you earn a ropeneck, what does it practically matter about your rights?
People have often accused conservatives of self-sabatoge.
The summer of love combined with covidimania was the greatest PR win for the right in 70 years and possibly one of the greatest unforced errors in political history, and all the right needed to do was not act like similarly petulant children.
If you want to now why there's now a right wing government in italy, in argentina, in belgium, why there's a track to one in Canada, why the labour party in the UK is suddenly stealing conservative taking points, why it's presently looking like Donald Trump will be the next president in the US, that's why.
@Jonny@matty My man the most popular free speech sites on this network exist because of me, so people can say what they believe. This is a case of me saying what I believe even if it's unpopular, which is not weak or cowardly at all, it's the opposite. You just don't like it.
@SuperSnekFriend@alex >you have to defend demon worshipers to defend your freedoms hey remember all those times we defended leftoids freedom of speech only to get backstabbed and banned by those same people?
remember those times we gave the benefit of the doubt to faggots and other sexual pests only for them to use their power to censor us?
@alex >It is literally a slippery slope where Christians and Catholics will become censored We have already been censored throughout the last century, including by the enemies of Christ using the same First Amendment that you are telling us to respect.
I don't care about preserving the Constitution anymore. The Civil War and Roe. v. Wade should have both proven that the Constitution completely and utterly failed to do it's intended job and it has long become words used to preserve an anti-Christ and now also an anti-White liberal order.
What matters for these next couple of decades is whoever is willing to wield to power regardless of what that legal document and precedence says, and the more faithful Christian Americans use power against their enemies, the better.
@alex@matty The reason I don’t like it is because the jews on Fedi would dox/cancel me if they could, even though they’ve canceled me from every other platform. I’ve been relegated too this corner of the internet, by jews who hate my free speech.
@alex I'm Christian and I agree with this people being retarded and gross is annoying but when you censore retards it makes marters out of them and makes them look like they might have something worth listening to which leads to more people becoming retarded
@polarisera@alex Yeah, they cry when something like this happens but constantly tear down statues they take offense to. Agree with Matty, they used their "free speech" to take away ours. It's pointless being the bigger person, people need to fight back.
Plus the "church of Satan" is edgelord supreme. They're all contrarian atheists who just want religious grounds to spew shitlibs talking points. I think I'd have more respect for them if they actually worshipped Satan lol
@alex@polarisera I hope so. Some things have seemingly gotten better, but I feel like they've traveled us so far down their path that we're willing to settle for goalposts that have shifted further than they ever should have.
My immediate reaction to the display was to think “I guess the Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, etc. churches in the state need to all put up their own.”
(I’m assuming you’re reacting to the display at the state capital, but realize after re-reading that you didn’t mention it specifically.)