@NEETzsche By the way, remember how your scrobble property MR got denied because it doesn't conform to muh standard? Take a look at that. https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/-/merge_requests/3975 Actor used for signed fetches in Pleroma doesn't conform to the standard, either, which no one noticed because no one cares about it to begin with. Except Faceberg, apparently; everyone but Pleroma was able to fetch profiles from threads.net. Considering that majority of @lanodan's recent statuses consists of their hateboner for Meta, thus indirectly confirming that status quo might be in their interest, what do you think are the odds of the issue being taken care of?
I got accusatory and even rude right off the bat when Lanodan came right out the gate with "um we won't touch this until after you totally rewrite it in this completely arbitrary way" and I'm feeling quite vindicated with that disposition now. These people have a need to be oblique about their actual intentions and I've learned, over the years, how to suss out what things are really about.
Muh standard is a pretext at best. Not only does Pleroma not care about the standard, but I bet if I cherry-picked @alex 's commit and tried to submit it to Pleroma with maybe rewriting the commit message to "better ActivityPub spec conformity" or something like that, it wouldn't get accepted. Even if I directly supported it with the spec's actual exact words.
@hj didn't want to merge my commit that includes the url field for scrobbling based on a misreading of the ActivityPub spec. The url field can be any representation of the Audio document, like a page about the document or an audio file, or, yes, a web page that streams the audio file. He insisted on me putting the user-submitted YouTube/SoundCloud/whatever URLs into externalLink for reasons.
It's farcical. I'm unlikely to try to work with these people again.
It lists where I got the information from, who wrote the original commit, and why it's important per ActivityPub standards. They can click merge or they can let their shit stay broken lol
@mint@marine@alex@NEETzsche@lanodan@hj My hypothesis is that Threads actively uses Block-Lists as a federation gatekeeping as an integrated part of their platform.
Prevents the whack-a-mole game completely while also allowing to position themselves so that everybody who wants in needs to "apply" for addition to their whitelist
@NEETzsche@marine@TheMadPirate@alex@lanodan@hj There's definely no whitelist as I was able to fetch the actors from virtually unknown instance. Some sort of blocklist might be in place, Alex confirmed that at least poast, spinster and mostr are blocked.
@NEETzsche@TheMadPirate@alex@hj@lanodan@marine The full connectivity from both sides might require explicitly being on their lists, though. Why then bother with signed fetches, no idea.