@hypolite I know - I felt the same way, except I thought of Carter as the only one, not one of the better ones. In brief then, Brzezinski created afghanistan wars when he was Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. I would like to say it was Before 1983 that ee.uu CIA got involved in Afghanistan under the Carter regime. They drew the soviets into afghanistan by destabilizing the region. Carter listened to whatever Brzezinski told him. "it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul." Brzezinski was warned of what would happen and he said "so what if it [...] a few arabs?" I forget the word used. Brzezinski (1998) interview in Le Nouvel Observateur re Afghanistan In that interview, he was asked if he regretted anything. No, on the contrary, he was delighted that it worked! He was happy that it drew ussr into "their own vietnam war". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eghUafgJv4 So how many people died in the actual Vietnam created out of *nothing* but the ego and political desires of Johnson? Next, how many in Afghanistan after the USA armed the Mujahadeen and drew in the Soviets? Then pretended to 'rescue' the Afghans from the soviets and then the mujahadeen? It's all insane. This was all on Carter's watch and I believe with his full knowledge. He was otherwise, and is still - as far as I can tell - a Good Man, but that's an awful lot of needless deaths as marks on the other side of the ledger. Goodness! I haven't even had breakfast or a cup of coffee yet! :-(
@clacke I don't know what 'flip' and 'use' mean here at all. I do wish the worst for trumpy, but that doesn't actually mark him as very special as far as usa presidents go with me. I was a lot softer on carter until I found out what his creature brzeziński had orchestrated. And he did know. @GottaLaff