"When asked if President Joe Biden supports the change, a White House aide pointed to a September 2020 Military Officers Association of America candidate forum in which then-candidate Biden said, "The United States does not need a larger military, and we don’t need a draft at this time...I would, however, ensure that women are also eligible to register for the Selective Service System so that men and women are treated equally in the event of future conflicts."
@AnungIkwe@starsstorm They still don’t want women in the army. That’s why it took so long to allow women to service in combat – manning a drone is a higher pay grade than manning a drone but doing it as an assistant.
Next war we have that’s large enough to overcome the memories of what happened to LBJ and Nixon because of the draft will be very short and leave people eradiated.
Last thing in the world I’m worried about is the draft.
@starsstorm@AnungIkwe Yeah, it’s not the draft. It’s registration if the draft is reinitiated, and it has been around for young men for decades. Either for everyone or no one, IMO.
The military doesn’t actually want women, so alternative service categories would be created if women had to register. Rn, they depend on student loan forgiveness to staff public service jobs. I’d rather get rid of student loans.
@LostInCalifornia@starsstorm A lot of bombs can be dropped by people sitting in front of a computer now. I'm hearing a lot of Obama's drone attacks were conducted from Yuma, AZ. The "volunteer" army is mostly poor Black & Brown youth now who think they'll get a college education out of military service and then find out later how many strings are attached to that.
@AnungIkwe they literally do not need women. They have more than enough young men. Someone will need to stay home and do every other thing that needs to be done here in this country. I mean, what are they going to do about women's children? Put them in foster care? There have already been some instances of the government telling a woman that she has to put her baby in foster care and go back to active duty. Also let's talk about the number of women who will just get pregnant so they don't have to go.