@carnage4life@xavez Who is the authority on that? Is it another culture wars opinion piece? We want to blame those who die of cancer because if they made a mistake, then if we get cancer, we won't make the same mistake. Cancer kills most people in five years.
@xavez Actually Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. Even though he was in the early stage of cancer that was both 'curable and treatable', he delayed surgery for 9 months and switched to a vegan diet and preferred herbal medicines and other alternatives that suited him for short-term benefits
@carnage4life while I agree that smart people can believe dumb things, the Steve Jobs example is a bad one. Metastasised pancreatic cancer is simply one of the hardest cancers to cure. He got some of the best, cutting-edge treatments in the world and still sadly passed away too soon. A vegan diet didn’t cost him his life. An aggressive cancer did.
One of the arguments against criticizing the crypto industry was that really smart people believe in it and so who are you to question it?
Really smart people believe in dumb things all the time. Steve Jobs believed you could cure cancer with a vegan diet and it cost him his life.
Doing your own research has gotten a bad rap due to conspiracy theorists but always trust but verify when it comes to expert opinions before investing your time or money.