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aphids are the jews of bugs
they fly and stick to healthy plants only to suck all the sap they can get however they also reproduce faster than any other fucking plague which ends up killing the plant.
and here's another fun fact, if the plant is being protected by let's say ants the aphids will give sugar to the ants just so they are left alone to ruin the plant
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@rlier23 Spray them with a mix of dawn soap and water. If anyone asks, the soap was only for dishes.
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look at this shit, FUCKING DISGUSTING :wario_angry:
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@Elliptica i do but they keep coming form some other fucking place :wario_angry:
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@rlier23 @Elliptica Try neem oil. Most aphids hate it, but it will drive other insects out too. Might be better to treat the parameter plants after you get all the aphids off with soap and see if that keeps them from returning.
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@tyler @rlier23 @Elliptica Used motor oil master race 🤣
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@Jonaschuzzlewit @tyler @rlier23 @Elliptica People use it in 2 cycle engines even though you're "not supposed to". The older ones with lower fuel: oil ratios are far less discriminating on what oil is in there than 50:1 tight tolerance newer things. I've heard of loggers running 15w-30 or whatever their trucks use for their chainsaws. When you're going through fuel and oil all day, you find what you can use best that's compatible with everything you're running.
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What kind of fuel like what are you running on motor oil out of curiosity.
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I use it on everything and probably go through 100 gallons a year between wood treatment and for use as fuel.
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@tyler @kf01 @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica I thought disposal sites just put it through a few sieves and a magnet and sell it to asphalt makers?
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Undercoat your truck, I once worked in a shop and we had a set up to drip it into the wood fired furnace.
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My dad did that, works great, makes the wood last 2x longer and it's more "environmentally sound" than bringing it to a disposal site.
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@BowsacNoodle @tyler @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Elliptica I reuse my old synthetic oil from my EDM shitboxes on grass sprouts on concrete driveway to my chainsaws.
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Ya, it was a nice set up, can’t remember exactly how it was rigged, it was a long time ago. Just a simple ball valve and copper I think.
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@tyler @kf01 @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica Perfectly good hand tool restoration material and wood hardener. I use it to clean anything rusty, although I filter mine first through a paint sprayer filter.
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Exactly. Why pay money to get rid of something valuable?
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@tyler @kf01 @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica Oil changes and project vehicles for myself and friends and family. Centrifuge for separation? Couldn't you just use a paint bucket and make one using an electric motor or alternator? How fancy do you need and what RPM? If you use something that's already built for rotation, or rely on gravity and centrifugal force (don't @me were literally talking about centrifuges), it should automatically center.
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That's a good idea, where do you get yours?
I'm working on a centrifuge but without a lathe I'm SOL for balancing.
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I meant the paint filters but I guess I could just go to a paint store. This is my WIP
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@tyler @kf01 @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica Yeah I bought the ones from harbor freight and they only go to like 100 or 50 microns. A centrifuge would make a lot more sense, but I realize how ignorant I am on the construction and process of this once I looked it up.
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@kf01 @tyler @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica They give me so many free magnetic part dishes. Very handy.
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@BowsacNoodle @tyler @rlier23 @Jonaschuzzlewit @Myshkin @Elliptica
>Harbor Freight