@AnungIkwe@ArtistBristol@firebird2110@LadyMont Some of my great aunts were handy shots, one of the girls I was in school with used to clear the trophies at the clay pigeon shoots. Me, I’m useless! My eyesight, but always so, like I have a tendency to veer to the side when walking too, always did have, so straight aim was not my thing 😂
@HebrideanHecate@ArtistBristol@firebird2110@LadyMont There used to be organizations like girl scouts or 4-H where you could learn skills like that. They don't exist anymore or they're full of fetishistic troon seeking validaiton. It's a young women's skill. I'm lucky my great neices are still interested in outdoor stuff.
@ArtistBristol@firebird2110@HebrideanHecate@LadyMont There's a lot of similarities to rural Michigan life - except the new age stuff and the accents and there are very few vegans - just the Rainbow hippies that stayed after their gatherings. Michigan rural woman ALL know how to hunt and fish and clean game - the few city slickers would be lost but most of Michigan is very rural. We have a lot of people from Finland in the U.P. because it's supposed to look so similar to Finland. That's where we get our Findians from.
@AnungIkwe@LadyMont Not that aware of, it’s a very touristy place, rural, small, as in village itself. Local paper said one was found dead in someone’s garden the other day.
@AnungIkwe@LadyMont Oh, there’s a huge deer problem here too, and back home, the place is over run with them. At home it’s the reds, and when I was a child it was an event to see them, I’m from east side of island, the more moor type land, and you’d never see them on the west, machair and sea, but now they are there too, they do a lot of damage to the crops and gardens.
They used to get more stalkers come up, back in the day, and a lot of the old boys went poaching too, and since that stopped their numbers exploded.
Re deer type beasts, there is a mystery here, in village about 4 miles from us. Apparently 9 dead Roe deer have been found, but not shot etc, they are unmarked and appear to be in good condition. Found in different locations round the village over recent weeks. The police have contacted Govt vets to do a PM on one of them to see if they can find any answers.
@AnungIkwe@LadyMont It’s very odd, they are assuming something poisoned them but what. Elderberry and azalea and rhods are poisonous to them, but there are plenty of these around here and yet not heard of this happening before.