What about the thought that we've been in a high precipitation cold wave for a while and it's coming to an end? Tree rings from older sequoia family indicate as much.
Libtards will glue their hands to the fucking highway to block traffic because some gas that plants breathe might increase the temperature by 2 degrees in 100 years. Conservative faggots won't even march around with a sign outside politicians houses to stop 7 million niggers fresh off the boat wielding machetes from being dumped in their back yard.
Yeah dumb militia retard shit is not what I am talking about. If the right had its shit together when it comes to political organizing, mass protesting, lawyers, etc they could roll these fuckers up with 1/10th the resources because all the shit the left pushes is deeply unpopular among normal people. They just don't have any leadership or vehicle to express disaproval besides voooting for republicans who are closet faggots or bitching in the comment sections to each other.
He isn't fighting shit. He just creating space for the grift right to divert people onto offramps from going full blown fascist, while making it so edgy anons can waste their time posting into the void instead of organizing IRL to actually create a serious political opposition beyone sharing memes online.
Yet they're claiming that it's anthropogenic climate change when they don't have a control earth or past records to indicate how the multifaceted system of equilibriums will adjust to things like a rise in atmospheric CO2. Theorycrafting is fine and wasteful pollution is legitimately bad. Plant more trees, try to build smarter— like we were doing 100+ years ago with shade trees, cross ventilation in buildings, not using glass and plastic everywhere because it looks fancy, etc. A lot of the plans we see to reduce emissions are accountant level number manipulation rather than functional improvements. Some are good; it makes sense to push for brushless motors in ceiling fans.
Every investment has a legal requirement to mention that "past performance doesn't guarantee future outcomes", yet we're told to shut the hell up and trust predictive models. Zero chance the people in climate science are 1/2 as good as forecasting as the lucrative financial industry.
Yeah, the same fuggin models that can't predict the future when they're plugged in to the past. It's like Technomonk (sp) said: referencing a "model" as an authority is just pointing to your computer as an authority. Anyway, they've been saying that same sh!t since the late eighties and yet no seaside property yet for me in the Upper Midwest like they predicted 😭
>have some degree of margin of error for what we don't know I agree, which is why I am a fan of sustainability in the classic sense of the word. Stuff should be made out of minimally processed materials whenever possible. More wood, more stone, less plastic, etc. Durability and proper land management including limiting the size of cities because of how much they damage the regional climate through water consumption and heat island effects.
you're right we don't have a control earth, so the precautionary principle applies: we need to not only make policy for what we know the climate is doing, and what we are doing to it, but also have some degree of margin of error for what we don't know
> because it looks fancy, etc. A lot of the plans we see to reduce emissions are accountant level number manipulation r
That's because accountants actually rule the world, and any serious change in the way things are run is going to mostly involve accountants
People in the 90's though the 2020's would look like the movie water world with Kevin Costner by now and people in the 80's thought it would look like Mad Max.
Well these movies were dystopian science fiction where people imagine what the world will look like based on the culture of their era. Star Trek was good in the 70's-90's because people could actually imagine an optimistic future where humans conquered space, vs modern star trek where black women conquered space without solving obesity with 24th century technology which is too unbelievable for anyone which is why nobody watches Discovery.
Like are we really supposed to believe that a civilization with the technology to alter human DNA to blend in with Alien civilizations hasn't figure out how to stop elite military personnel from being an obese landwhale when their uniforms are literally spandex?
I mean Starfleet Acadamy training is literally harder than hellweek for the Navy Seals. Only the elite top .0001% of humanity ever get to wear a uniform. How the fuck did these pigs even pass the fitness test?
Guarantee? No. The best guess we have that is consistently tested against new data? Yes
> Zero chance the people in climate science are 1/2 as good as forecasting as the lucrative financial industry.
"there's someone who's better at forecasting" doesn't mean that the 2 relevant groups of domain experts (the oil companies/their financiers and the IPCC), WHO AGREE on what's coming, aren't correct. It just means we should be willing to listen to the financial industry should their climate models go public, which they haven't
true or not in the end, nothing is going to be done about it, all it really boils down to is a way for the elites to make our lives worse, and that is how it's been used, but all the proposed solutions i've seen ever just involve the wonders of technology that isn't quite there yet doing magical things, and all the bugmen get to still live their meaningless lives pushing buttons on phones consuming avocados and paying only fans thots to see their assholes. and still save the enviroment, also aren't they literally talking about getting rid of trees cuz some retard logic?
The Postman with Kevbo Kostner is probably more likely the post apocalyptic scenerio. He traveled around with his unvaxed sperm impregnating the other pure bloods.
i'm trying to sprout some pear seeds, but they take months so i dunno if they're gonna go, i shoudla just did hte paper towel in the fridge method instead of putting htem in dirt BUT i love me some pears.