I have been automatically deleting all my tweets for years after some time passed and today I discovered that #twitter recreated them from some backup. What a dick move. Now I need to formulate a #GDPR request to delete all my tweets and retweets. I’m sure someone has already written one, no? Any recommendations?
@muiiio@vonneudeck Yeah, I have a case open with the Irish DPC about this and Twitter/X have basically said they can’t/won’t delete my data and the Irish DPC seems fine with that.
@muiiio@vonneudeck@noybeu As far as I can see, GDPR seems to be enforced when NOYB sues data protection offices to do their jobs and not a minute before.
@aral@vonneudeck@noybeu Wasn't this supposed to cost "X" a ton of money according to GDPR? Though, to be honest, I always doubted they'd comply...
It's so nice knowing Saudi Arabia (and any big bidder) has access to all your Twitter data (including phone number, location, DMs and #dickpics) isn't it?