As globohomo has determined that you don't in fact deserve to have a high quality browsing experience on the Internet, free from irritating advertisements at every single possible opportunity, there seems to be a push to mitigate adblocking software and I'm beginning to actually appreciate just how bad online advertising has become. It is absolutely fucking obnoxious, it is ALWAYS aggressive and disruptive to your online experience, and more often than not paid and premium services don't fully remove you from the advertising ecosystem either.
I know this is no profound revelation, but this has crept up on me and I'm fucking horrified.
I've been on YouTube premium for several years now, I'm happy to say that my son has almost never seen an advertisement. So while it may not apply to every single website that you go to, you are correct that for a lot of the most important ones you can just toss them a couple bucks and get the rich person's experience LOL
@Kerosene Yes: - We just opened this restaurant, please come to our opening event! - This company released a new product we think you'll like! No: - takes up way too much space - music or sound - the ad size changes in any way - so much more @dickflatteningenthusiast@bot@sj_zero
@inakah@dickflatteningenthusiast@bot@sj_zero I actually genuinely like good advertisement. Just show me something that's not obnoxious, doesn't cover the text/video/etc I'm looking at, and is a product or service I'm actually interested in. It's that easy. You would think they would have mastered the last point with all the truck loads of data they collect but 99% of what I see is shit I would never in a million years consider paying for.
@bot@dickflatteningenthusiast@sj_zero >see idiotic take >don't immediately recognize the pfp >i wonder who it is >read the username >it's fucking bot because of course it is
@bot@dickflatteningenthusiast@sj_zero most content is of such low quality, or constructed so entirely to modify our behavior that they should be paying us to watch it. That which isn't could be better supported via things like patreon.
Relying on advertisers to exist opens up too many perverse inventives which gave us the entertainment hellscape we've had for as long as I can remember.
Hmm shall I maintain 50 bajillion subscriptions each with their own jew opt out forms which are full of dark patterns or install one browser extension (uBlock Origin). Tough choice.
Do you think these services will continue to be ad free once you pay? TV used to be like that, until it wasn't, so why should I pay when it will inevitably lead down the same path lol