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Wrath ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 19:33:36 JST Wrath
I'm sure my old job probably still only offers $9-$10/hour for miserable and intense labor and harsh scrutiny from corporate deskies. Fuck these people and fuck boomers and kikes for creating these conditions. You can't seethe now like it's a surprise that no one wants to work for you. -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 19:33:36 JST Zealist
@Eiswald i have no sympathy for anyone who can't hire people cuz they won't pay htem enough -
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Wrath ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:43:04 JST Wrath
@RexRedbone Nigger, do you even understand how inflation actually works and why it is as bad as it is?
Do I need to walk you through the past 50 years and what boomer and kikes did to the dollar through the full spectrum financialization of every sector of the market specifically real estate?
Should I recount the infinity loans they've taken out against future generations for their own comfort, greed, and decadence? Those pieces of pulled a Saturn, they're devouring their own children and expect those children to be grateful for the privilege of being eaten as they live in rapidly deteriorating economic conditions thanks to the actions of boomers.
>passed on to the consumer
Fuck the consumer and fuck you for trying to deflect blame from the people actually responsible for this situation onto the underclass as a cope and a scapegoat. Disgusting, repulsive.
Gas yourself, kike. Kill yourself with a gun. Play in traffic. -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:43:04 JST Zealist
@Eiswald @RexRedbone it's not our fault goy it's your fault for not doing slave labor at the lowest possible wage. -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:43:05 JST RexRedbone
Then you wonder why inflation is the way it is blaming boomers for this practice it has been this way from the beginning of shipping.
Unskilled labor is just that no one showing up for 14.00 a hour to unload a trailer that cost is passed on to the consumers -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:44:12 JST Zealist
@Eiswald @RexRedbone if it weren't for minimum wage they'd be trying to pay as as little as chinese people in factories make -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:50:43 JST Zealist
@RexRedbone @Eiswald what a non-sequitur, addressed no points made, just "hah, you're mad at the economy must live in your mom's basement and or be a communist" ok called him lazy LOL nigga's a farmer, go fuck yourself. -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:50:44 JST RexRedbone
Such Love so you practice Sloth and Laziness underclass bs still living in mommy and daddy's basement?
Equity is No Equal your Marxist or Maoist ideology will just have you eating each other for survival
All Animals are Equal
Some are more equal
Than others -
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eee ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:51:48 JST eee
@Zealist @Eiswald @RexRedbone they'd try to force people on welfare to work for effectively free, push benefits on tax payers, and hide away profits in offshore accounts or non-profit domestic orgs.
then they'd call you morally suspect for resisting -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:51:48 JST Zealist
@eee @Eiswald @RexRedbone they literlaly do that at walmart
the wage is so low most walmart employees are on food stamps and assistance, walmart is a big business they know how to make a profit, from the government subsidizing their employees. -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:55:46 JST Zealist
@RexRedbone @Eiswald as for me, i'm working hard, but only for me, as a homesteader. -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:57:16 JST RexRedbone
@Zealist @Eiswald
Minimum wage was a starting point and was never designed to support a family It was for those unskilled labor teens to gain the skills to advance it's been bastardized
Look at all these highly educated people that exit only to find only min wage because they have No Skill to offer
Those people who enter into a Apprenticeship program come out with the viable trade and skill that pays them
The Opp is probably a angry masters degree reject -
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Zealist ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 20:57:16 JST Zealist
@RexRedbone @Eiswald it doesn't matter what is claimed it was intended to be, IT ISN'T HOW IT IS IN PRACTICE, if you are legit going to go after people disgruntled at the state of the economy and defend it, but how it should be in your theoretical utopian vision, and not how it actually is, then your'e wasting the energy it took to even type out your point. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:40 JST NEETzsche
@Omega_Variant @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux @Xenophon Christ says to love all, including your enemies. -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:41 JST RexRedbone
@Omega_Variant @Eiswald @OceanRedux
Higher learning why are so many universities raising cost ? Yet they have millions in the bank and turn out programmed Maoist.
Just like college students who are on the hook for their child's worthless degree -
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Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:41 JST Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits
Because jewish usury. These answers are not complicated. jews live to destroy White society. They force you to renounce the only two commands Jesus told you you need. To love God and love your kin. Capitalism simultaneously destroys both. You lust for mammon, you cheat and steal to get ahead of your brother, and you ruin your own childrens prospects by importing cheap labor.
Youd rather save a buck today by letting Pablo in and see your own child starve, than go without. Your generation is the epitome of selfishness. -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:46 JST RexRedbone
@OceanRedux @Eiswald
Greatful Dead more of a Pink Floyd fan
Who the Fuck do you think is crashing the US a Old White Supremacist Joe Biden who supposed voted for him young people brain dead ones who have been promised student loan forgiveness -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:46 JST Omega Variant
Why should your children need to be in that much debt to go to college?
You do realize that you making 55k/year back then and buying a home and 2 vehicles with a family while living comfortably is no longer an option for us today right? Adjusting for inflation we would have to make 400k/year to be in that same spot as you making 55k back then.
Do you know of any 400k jobs that don't require retarded credentials. -
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「Under Divine Flag」 ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:00:47 JST 「Under Divine Flag」
@RexRedbone @Eiswald Boomers were handed the greatest economy on earth (britian included) and you guys partied it away at greatful dead concerts stfu -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:03:57 JST NEETzsche
@Xenophon @Omega_Variant @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux I've taken the reading comprehension pill and so can you. -
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Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:03:58 JST Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits
Your enemy. Not His enemy. Go away, i dont care about your cringe bible takes. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:07:57 JST NEETzsche
@Xenophon @Omega_Variant @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux 1) You keep dying on the hill of Christianity being an ethnoreligion when it explicitly is universalist
2) I'm against usury -
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Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:07:58 JST Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits
1. clearly you haven't
2. Youre defending jewish usury, lmao -
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RexRedbone ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:16:20 JST RexRedbone
@Omega_Variant @NEETzsche @Xenophon @Eiswald @OceanRedux
Your enemies
Shouldn't they be considered
Enemies of all people ? -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:16:20 JST Omega Variant
They are still my personal enemy. So according to NEET over here I should love them.
I think there is a distinction to be drawn between my enemy and enemies of God. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:16:20 JST NEETzsche
@Omega_Variant That's according to Matthew 5. I did not author Matthew 5.
@Xenophon @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:16:21 JST Omega Variant
So you're telling me you love Soros, the Rothschild's, Biden, and Satan?
I mean they are all your enemies. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:21:34 JST NEETzsche
@Omega_Variant This isn't an issue of interpretation. The document says certain things and doesn't say other things. Matthew 5 commands you to love all, because the sun shines on the wicked and the pure alike, and if you salute your kin only, how are you any better than anybody else?
Matthew 5 is a tough pill to swallow but it says what it says and you're the first person I've met who disputes it as valid scripture.
@Xenophon @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:21:35 JST Omega Variant
Your interpretation is clearly wrong then because it is inconsistent with the rest of the Bible. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:25:09 JST NEETzsche
@Xenophon >loses the exchange instantly
>"Y-you're a Mormon that makes you wrong!!!"
Like clockwork :laughingimps:
@Omega_Variant @RexRedbone @Eiswald @OceanRedux @FourOh-LLC -
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Omega Variant ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:25:10 JST Omega Variant
A perfect example would be faggot pushing churches. They have clearly learned the doctrine of Christ and then turned and spat on his face saying they know better. Are them people now enemies of God, to be hated?
There is clear Biblical precedent in how to deal with wolves and godless people. -
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Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits ('s status on Sunday, 23-Jul-2023 23:25:10 JST Sturmführer Xeno Fish Biscuits
Lets remember NEET is a mormon. He believes in golden plates in Utah. But he will unironically tell you Matthew 5 supercedes all the places where God made it clear His enemies are independent of yours, and will suffer an eternity of hellfire -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 01:37:36 JST NEETzsche
Okay. What’s your point?
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guy savelli ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 01:37:37 JST guy savelli
judges 5:31
exodus 15:6
deuteronomy 32:41
psalm 68:1
isaiah 62:8
psalm 18:48
luke 1:71
psalm 17:9
psalm 59:1
1 corinthians 15:25
psalm 126:34
psalm 60:12
psalm 106:10
philippians 3:18
james 4:4
isaiah 1:24 -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 01:53:56 JST NEETzsche
I didn’t take one verse at face value, but an entire chapter. Your answer seems to be, “Look at all these (mostly old testament) verses, Matthew 5 is invalid.” You also shouldn’t take lone verses at face value, which is what you did, but instead look at their surrounding context at a minimum, since that added context will often contradict your intended point.
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guy savelli ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 01:53:57 JST guy savelli
have seen you on the tl and my initial assessment is that you mean well. you legitimately believe your turn the other cheek philosophy.
my point is that you are reducing a complicated issue to a cultural marxist talking point. you take one verse at face value but there are many other verses as context. -
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guy savelli ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 02:01:51 JST guy savelli
i am not saying matthew 5 is invalid.
i am saying that Jesus was not telling christians in 2023 to let satanists turn the world into hell in the sermon on the mount. -
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NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 02:01:51 JST NEETzsche
We’re already in hell. Have been for a long time. I do agree that we should resist it.
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NEETzsche ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 02:12:10 JST NEETzsche
I take the idea that we’re already in hell, or some hell-like shithole planet, pretty seriously. I don’t have a list of verses to this effect but you see this kind of thinking all over scripture; “the world” is “in darkness,” “they know not,” “you will die like men, and fall like the princes,” “spiritual wickedness in high places,” “how thou art fallen from heaven, lucifer, cast down to earth!” and so on and so on. These insinuations that Earth is basically hell, or the domain of the devil, or whatever you want to call it, is replete in scripture. It’s something you see over and over again, permutations of it.
And that’s only touching the scripture that Orthodoxy recognizes. If you’re willing to get into things like the various Gnostic texts or the Mormon scriptures, whoooo boy, that idea gets pounded home even harder. I feel like the early church was really putting in a lot of effort to keep a lid on this idea, and what we see in the “canonized” texts are things that slipped through the cracks.
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guy savelli ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 02:12:11 JST guy savelli
my contention is that the world controllers are demon possessed
thus the most salient scripture for us is
"resist the devil" -
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FourOh-LLC ('s status on Monday, 24-Jul-2023 04:12:07 JST FourOh-LLC
Jesus did not write down anything. Everything is second-hand account.
SO, technically, you do not question the authenticity of what Christ teaches, you question the authenticity of second-hand accounts.
Only technically speaking, of course - along the same line of doubting as the translations from Hebrew to Greek to English, from a distance of centuries.
What you cannot question is more important than authenticity, its the validity of the teachings. It stood the test of time like no other, and its becoming more relevant.
Christ is the Son of God, it cannot be doubt.NEETzsche likes this.
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