@djsumdog@astrid > if I have to call someone by their preferred pronouns, society will collapse
Bro. What has happened has been as follows: trans people make you feel uncomfortable - for whatever reason; you've spent a whole bunch of time rationalising and justifying that feeling, and tried to explain why you're right to feel that, and how it's necessary for you to disenfranchise an entire class of people. You're biased, and ignorant. That simple.
Universal use of gender neutral pronouns is favorable for the development of an equitable society
How? How exactly does this make a more “equitable” society?
regardless of whether or not you believe there are people who experience life differently
It is a huge cognitive burden to coddle weak people with serious mental defects and lowers the standard for our entire civilization as a whole. It is a new religious faith that the believers are making everyone follow by shame, law and force.
This is a much bigger deal than you think it is. It is about the future of our civilization. Words have to fucking mean something.
@djsumdog@astrid if you find the cognitive load of remembering people's preferred pronouns to be too great - you can just use gender neutral pronouns, or, ask somebody.
Universal use of gender neutral pronouns is favorable for the development of an equitable society, anyways, and is something that should be happening, regardless, for the language - regardless of whether or not you believe there are people who experience life differently than you understand it
@astrid fr. Why on Earth would somebody go through all of the shit trans ppl go through, in order to win sports, or something. Like, the idea of it is unreal. The cost:benefit ratio is just not there, at all
So if your daughters skull was cracked by a tranny you’d just be happy with that? If you’re too stupid to understand how men are much stronger, then… I dunno. You’re just stupid. Also zergling is a pedo.