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What distribution of resources this person would find "just" I am really wondering. Governments accrue way too much, which is extremely unjust as it is, but that's never part of the discussion of redistributist idiocy.
"just one more social program, bro, then everything's fixed, just one more 😭 "
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@mar77i @Erik Billionaires accrue way too much. Why is that never part of the discussion?
Rich people are the problem. They have our money.
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@hydroxxide @mar77i @Erik That's absolute nonsense rubbish. What's beautiful about the oligarchs is how they've convinced you it's in your best interests to defend them. They literally have taken your wealth and you're glad they did it.
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@leftout @mar77i @Erik no one owes you jack shit
if it wasnt for the oligarchy 95% of people would be wearing hides and eating roots and small game kek
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@leftout @mar77i @Erik just like give money to the people mannnnnn
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@hydroxxide @leftout @Erik ikr, why does this shit have to be complicated. stupid morals and stupid people being so different. you give two people 10 bucks, and ask them to give it back the next week. one will just give it back, and the other promised someone else that they'd ask you for another 10 to pass that on, too.
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@mar77i @hydroxxide @Erik it isn't a gift. it's a refund.
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@mar77i @Erik I’ll settle for giving their money to the people.
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@leftout @Erik You're going to have to amass... let me check... a couple of ten thousand of them to cover the national debt. Good luck.
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@leftout @Erik > They get richer off of other people’s labour.
Not because someone else did just anything. Because the other labour fits with a bigger plan there is value in another's labour. That bigger plan is called an enterprise. And if you tie up many workes into an enterprise to produce more than nothing, it's not the individual's labour in which there is value. Like if you're just selling what another produces and give them nothing for it, that obviously sucks, and /is/ stealing, as opposed to an enterprise I'm trying to explain. The collective collaboration, clicking into itself and making it more efficient than any singular worker could possibly accomplish, has value not attributable to any individual worker, and who should earn that? The ones who are executing or the ones who are coordinating? Does coordinating labour to produce more than an individual could possibly do have value in itself or should it have no benefit to those coordinating?
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@mar77i @Erik It’s interesting how you’re speaking of a coordinator. That person is doing work, and should be compensated for that work. Not insanely over compensated, fairly. Even the CEO who has an active role should be compensated, but not hundreds or thousands of times the rate most employees are compensated. But I’m actually talking about the class of people above all of that. The people that extract widely disproportionate amounts of money for no work. People that sit on boards that have close that have close to zero active role in a company should not be extracting the wealth they do through stock and stock dividends and pay little in taxes.
I’m pro business. I’m not pro under paying employees to make the ones at the top disproportionately richer.
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@mar77i @Erik The main issue is rich people do not get richer off their labour. They get richer off of other people’s labour. They extract the value generated by the working class. Remember that work is where money comes from.
If rich people didn’t also control politicians in the unites states through legalized bribes through lobbying and campaign donations, then laws wouldn’t continue to favour rich people extracting more and more wealth. All the money and wealth comes from the labour of people. The people are grossly underpaid so the rich can extract more and more of their wealth. It will eventually reach a point where there are too many people who can no longer sustain themselves on the small amount they are underpaid and then the shit will hit the fan. When people like you are going to feel it too. So don’t wish for this to continue. Fix it before then.
What fascinates me are people who are not doing this (they work for a living), yet defend rich people doing it. They are taking from you too, but because there are people worse off than you, you think you’re not suffering it.
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@mar77i @Erik Rich people stole it. We should stop that from happening.
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@leftout @Erik How exactly do you define "stealing" in this context?
Do I steal from you if I get any value from an exchange of goods, services or precious metals with you? Did Jeff Bezos come to your house at night and took away a golden family heir from you?
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@leftout @Erik Thanks for five bucks, but I have an income and don't need to steal it. Now how's that supposed to help, you probably ruined someone's life who provided a living and quality of life to thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people. Will they go to work knowing that if they work hard enough, they just get their stuff taken away and divvied up?