@lunarised@bot@Flanker In every single conversation you expose yourself to be some kinda weird freak and then in the next interaction you're like "brooo why do you think im weird brooooo"
I don’t criticise you for hypotheticals. I criticise you for real things you’ve done like reposting “normalise cuddling cute boys” (or something very similar) and associating with the PPN.
You lamented graf blocking you earlier today, literally the biggest offender on the PPN.
You’re a grown man. Maybe your mind is too warped and deranged from associating with these ppl, but given the context, that’s not a reasonable interpretation.
I’ll be more specific to avoid autism replies. Here are some examples.
✅ I’m going out for a drink with the boys ✅ The boys and I are going to watch the game at the pub ❌ I want to cuddle with or manhandle boys
@lunarised@bot@Flanker@book Imagine going after someone for a fictional image, but being like we want free speech. Remember that the regular folks are the majority. Thus, you will see non-sense more often, without it being banned. Why should those human instruments require more speech?
To me nothing is specifically about race or gender. It is of they try to do shit, try to self-discover and chase extraordinary goals. Or to see other perspectives. You will always see much slave morality, but perhaps you are part of it in the mind of someone else. In fact, we NEED those types of people in society.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
This is not just to defend Lunar. This is because I think this interaction was shit. Usually I just let posts like this be, but I felt like adding some value.
@book@bot@Flanker@lunarised Now I know you considered that it was only a joke, after reading more. Well, I shouldn't have even commented. Humor has pretty wide boundaries.
I am here without much context. I trust Lunar to mostly post stuff for comedic purposes. That is a mistake from my part. But this was not worthy of my time. At least I am not afraid to admit that I made a mistake. In the future I might think more first.
I will move back to doing something I actually value. I am sure my comments can provide some value to someone.
>Now I know you considered that it was only a joke, after reading more. Well, I shouldn't have even commented. Humor has pretty wide boundaries. Nothing I typed is a joke. >I am here without much context. All of the context is available and if you chose to act without any that is on you. >That is a mistake from my part. Yes.
> It is not about defending pedophiles. It literally is, that's what this argument is about, and what you came to argue, that's the context you chose to insert yourself into and argue in.
>Imagine not looking at my perspective first, and listening to the link. I'm not listening to your three hour podcast about nietzche to get your point about why child porn is acceptable.
>Who decided that we have the right to kill? God.
>Is it not just your slave morality suggesting that your want justice? Yes morality means that you are a bad person for being a pedophile. Hope this helps.
>But, hey that's my two cents. Take what you want from it What I take from it is that you felt compelled to write a 5 paragraph essay defending pedophiles.
>Imagine going after someone for a fictional image, Imagine not judging someone for the fiction they consciously choose to enjoy being about children being raped. >but being like we want free speech Pederasts do not have a right to live let alone speak.
@book@bot@Flanker@lunarised Imagine not looking at my perspective first, and listening to the link. You don't seem to grasp it. Not saying I fully get all of it myself yet though.
> Pederasts do not have a right to live let alone speak. Someone who kills others can be compared to an animal who does not know any better. Who decided that we have the right to kill? Is it not just your slave morality suggesting that your want justice? We are not the same. You fight for justice after all, and are ok with being a part of the system.
But, hey that's my two cents. Take what you want from it. I have mentioned what I wanted to mention. No use in sharing something if you don't look into it.