What is the most frustrating thing for you with #Fedilab?
PS: We don't talk about current bugs as they will be fixed ASAP.
What is the most frustrating thing for you with #Fedilab?
PS: We don't talk about current bugs as they will be fixed ASAP.
Reselecting the tab will do that work automatically.
Clic & pull many times to be sure I have on top the latest thing.
The app keeps 7 days, we will build that feature to customize.
Cache handing. I either can clear all cache manually or have it cleaned automatically at closing the app. Both options leave me with an empty cache. Would wish for a way to set limits, either Megabytes or, even better, number of posts to keep in cache.
Click on the eye when composing
I don't know how to insert a content warning in my text using fedilab.
it doesn't parse link previews for toots, and clicking on a toot link doesn't open directly in fedilab
Have you an example of a toot not opening in the app? They must follow standard with @ for working.
What do you mean by parsing link previews?
Could you give the link to the message containing that link? It should have been solved.
I have the same issue.
See image description for details.
No way to browse posts that I've bookmarked
Interactions > Bookmarked
You can disable remember position in settings.
What do you mean?
Well, might be related to your instance.
Here's another example: https://toot.fedilab.app/@apps/109684420382356886
I'm on v3.14.1
Thanks for your work!
What regressions not fixed?
regressions on updates.
That's how it is supposed to work with default settings.
@apps I would like my columns to be loading (and caching the content) every 10min or something in the background, keeping their current position, so that whenever I switch to the app, even if I'm offline, I can carry on scrolling up right up to the present time from wherever I left off. (This is the experience I had with the Flamingo app for Twitter and I miss now I have moved to Mastodon.)
@niz yes people asked to be able to manage it like other timelines.
I guess that "Popular" timeline is hidden in the side menu and I can't bring it to the bottom panel (instead of something else I don't use).
Apart from that, I am still learning and exploring, and I feel satisfied!
If you didn't remove left margin there is that solution otherwise between bottom buttons. But we might use long press for that.
@apps if there is a toot that contains ONLY a link you cannot "expand the toot" to see if there are replies etc.
When you try, you either tap on the link or to the profile/username.
I hope that I explain it properly.
And something not frustrating but still kinda annoying. To delete the notifications you have to tap the three dots menu, scroll a little bit, tap more actions and then clear them.
Since I always clear the notifications I would prefer to have fewer steps for that.
As long as API don't bring that information, it will not be possible.
Yes, but as I said, it's a limitation of the API.
The api only returns the reply id and not the reply object.
Such feature cannot be built as for each reply message, the app will have to fetch the message and display it. That would create excessive amount of calls with also jumps when inserted asynchronously.
Yes, it could be done when api will return a "in_reply_message" (object) instead of a "in_reply_id" (String).
Sure, if Friendica implements such feature, it will be implemented immediately with Fedilab.
@developers @marek@kassel.social
Fixed in 3.14.4
I feel it should load the high quality one automatically, as other apps do
This when opening an image. ?
Just change the Nitter host in settings.
"No timelines was found on this instance!"
That's the error message displayed anytime you try to add a Twitter via Nitter timeline. It's been broken for quite a long while. I know we're supposed to hate Twitter, but if it worked here I could hate them by avoiding their ads and tracking!
Still some residual bugs, but they will be fixed in the next release.
It works perfectly - very grateful, thank you!
Try to use a comma if you run an old release.
I've tried every green host in this list: https://github.com/xnaas/nitter-instances
with the same result. They'll accept one Twitter timeline, but not a space-separated list.
@apps Most frustrating is when I don't understand a toggle in the settings but I can't figure out (from Mastodon search or web search) what it means.
For instance, there's a toggle in timelines that says "group reblogs in home timeline." No idea what that means and can't find anything about it, other than regarding Tumblr.
Stuff like that.
If accounts that you follow boost a same message, you will see it only once.
For the individual level: in profiles click on top three vertical dots > hide boosts.
For all (only home) long press the tab, uncheck display boosts.
Oh ok thanks.
I see there's a user setting to turn off boosts. But if I select that, and then return to the menu, it doesn't say that boosts are off.
It's impossible now.
The fact I can't import my settings from 2.x. If I could run 3.x alongside 2.x, it would at least help?
You can adjust icon and text sizes in settings.
@apps letters are too small. it makes me wanting a bigger phone
Same here
@apps Definitely the jumping timeline. You say not to discuss current bugs, but this one has had many attempts at fixes but keeps recurring. It must be a hard problem with the way Fedilab does its timeline.
Without the fetch more option?
I have multiple accounts, this is the one I use more. When a get a push notification from another account and I open it, when I go back to this account I find huge holes in my home timeline, beginning at the time I got the notification and ending several hours later. "Load more" button never shows up whwn this happens.
@tallship Fixed. Sorry for the delay.
Not being able to tell anymore the account address I want to choose for remote boosts.
i.e., @user@server should show
@gryps I didn't get it?
That I can't forward a toot while commenting it.
@csolisr Are you talking about Tubelab?
@aerofreak We can't reproduce that, could you open an issue with a step by step?
External links open in standard browser and when I return to fedilab, it shows a different TL or tab, or the same TL but looses focus of the last-viewed message
Anyway, thanks for the great work!
What about clicking three horizontal dots and then Mention. Is it what you're looking for?
O.K. I shall try to describe what I mean. In the old identi.ca-times you could forward a message including a commentary. You can say you wrote a new message that automatically had a citation of the message you want to forward and the ID of the original message included so that the clients could show an ordered thread. I want this again.
And for instances supporting quotes, you have to enable extra features.
Currently, in_reply_to_id is just a string targeting a message by its ID.
Instead of this ID, attaching the whole object message would avoid the extra call from client side to get the message.
@marek@friendica.mbbit.de @marek@kassel.social
Could this be limited to first sibling?
@marek@friendica.mbbit.de @marek@kassel.social
Yes sure, thank you!
@marek@friendica.mbbit.de @marek@kassel.social
Thank you!
@marek@friendica.mbbit.de @marek@kassel.social
Only tap to the top (pp and username) brings to original poster profile.
Taping message content should not.
@apps Tapping a toot "in the wrong place" opens the author's account instead of the toot. Highly disturbing.
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