@elilla @chris_evelyn fucking thank you, you continue to put so much frustration I share into words better than I ever could.
My standpoint has been for years "I can stand against nazis with anyone who isn't a nazi (or otherwise wants me and my comrades dead)" and this inability to differetiate between existential threats and in-community feuds is the biggest fucking hindrance to that.
Since 2019, my family has masked. We've stayed home. We've lived less full lives. I reffed two roller derby seasons masked. You have any idea how uncomfortable that is? And we've dodged every damn bullet we could.
My partner took a new job. His coworker came to the office sick when she didn't have to. She didn't think to take a test. My partner has COVID and my other partner and I wait and worry. We were all to officiate a wedding this weekend. We're paying for that dumb mistake.
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