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@Granny @CozyLife
1) they aren't 'dangerous substances'. Covid vaccines are not just safe compared to other vaccines(which they are) but prevent disease, which isn't about making me feel safe it's about SAVING FUCKING LIVES
2) wearing a mask does not deprive people of oxygen in any meaningful way, if you're wearing it that way you're wearing it wrong. This is an antivaxxer myth that @Ovpod covered i think in their saskatoon omnibus episode --
3) you staying home isn't about me being safe, it's about you being safe. Because if I catch you outside of your home unmasked you're fucking dead.
The list isn't endless. And it's BECAUSE WE ARE IN A FUCKING PANDEMIC.
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@DeezMistaReez @BowsacNoodle @agaperealm
> 1. Wuhan chynavirus was created in Wuhan, chyna. Fauci and others helped fund it
No it wasn't.
> And to fuck up Trump’s first four years.
That doesn't even make sense. The zoonosis happened in late 2019 at the *end* of trump's first reign.
> 2. It is not a vaccine.
Yes it is. But to see how much of a clue do you have: does a vaccine have to come from a cow?
> mRNA is not safe for humans.
This is not just wrong but dead wrong.
> It was FDA “approved” in nine months.
IDGAF. I do not live in the US and don't care about the FDA.
> Show me a list of the ingredients.
You wouldn't know what to do with them even if you had them
> 3. Every single child ever injected with the wuhan chynavax has or is going to have myocarditis
> coagulating effect from the chynavax
the vaccine PREVENTS more myocarditis and blood clotting than it causes.
Also it's not a "chyna vax" the vaccine was developed elsewhere.
> Hundreds of thousands that have died of the jab
No. hundreds of thousands have NOT died from the "jab" - meanwhile TENS OF MILLIONS have died of covid.
> 4. Your mask is less effective at providing you healthy, clean oxygen that your body requires ..
> but introduce an increased amount of carbon dioxide into your system
This is a myth. @Ovpod covered this pretty sure in their saskatoon rally ep
>. Recycling your fluoridated mouth breath does nothing
This is false.
> 5. Six foot social distancing was the stupidest thing, ever.
No, it wasn't. It wasn't enough, of course, but it was a good first-order approximation in the absence of full understanding of airborne dynamics of covid (which didn't come until after 2020)
>. I don’t give a fuck what poison you inject,
The covid vaccine is NOT poison.
> don't force your jab on me.
You don't understand who you're talking to here.
> But do not expect the same person with a functioning brain and healthy immune system to follow your delusional world.
covid DAMAGES BRAINS and immune systems
> experimental drug
How many years are you going to call mrna vaccines 'experimental'?? Is the varicella vaccine still 'experimental'? how about gardasil?
> Right, and because of this retarded jew society bulkshit,
Ah yes it's all about the jews.
> you cannot see your dying grandparent that are in the hospital
Hospitals have infectious control policies for a reason.
> It has literally been the worst, global plandemic
it is not a 'plandemic'
> An utter fucking catastrophe to believe one word of it.
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@fknretardlol @D1kTater @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @feralphilosophernc @RR @placebo
This is a non-issue, @Ovpod covered it i think in their omnibus stoon episode.
esp the surgical masks he's talking about allow oxygen in but n95s do too.