Signal, Threema and similar "alternatives" to Whatsapp are siloed, walled gardens.
For our #digitalSovereignty, we need to have technology like the #fediverse, that does not depend on the Amazon cloud and can be shutdown by Jeff B. or DJT at their will.
In the case of #instantMessaging, this technology exists since 1999 and is called #Jabber or #XMPP.
A very easy to use app to join that network is #Quicksy (Android, iOS). Why not give it try?
This stylistic contrast promises to be especially sharp on Tues night, when #JDVance & #TimWalz meet in NY for the #VPdebate. And, even more than competing visions of #manhood, on view will be 2 very different ideas of what it means to be a #father: a battle of the dads, if you will.
In a country given to worshipful talk of #FoundingFathers, it’s not a new subject on the #political stage. Still, it has tended to be more conceptual than personal.
Oh but Jim, you say, I still don't see how federating with Threads is dangerous! Who cares if some Meta content is in my feed? I can always block it!
Well, yes, you can, but not everyone will.
In fact, most people won't.
In fact, a lot of people will be very excited and happy to connect with people they know on Threads!
And many Masto Admins are falling into the trap of thinking that's a good thing.
Oh but Jim, you say, I love the Fediverse and #Activitypub and I would never!
Sure. But a lot of people will.
In fact, most people will.
And then, #Meta can say, well, it's not worth it for us to keep supporting ActivityPub for so few users. Integration EOL. Bye.
If you want to keep talking to your friends, you have to migrate.
That day will come and that, THAT, is why this is dangerous.
They are bottoming out, small wonder. Hard to beat.
Plus, Ireland has the EU framework that the Tories are fast dismantling.
A supranational bill of rights, if you will.
In earlier centuries, there'd be an uprising or a revolution.
/s: Nomen est omen?
King Charles I was beheaded.../s
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