If anyone has some gigantic podcast feeds they know of send them my way (podcast index id’s or urls). I am stress testing the initial design of the new aggregator for speed and async sanity.
I'm more and more convinced that for open podcasting to "win", all we have to do is still be here when the mega-corps get bored with podcasting's miniscule revenues and move on to other things.
#psa The board meeting will be at 9:30 am this Friday to account for my family Thanksgiving (US holiday) gathering landing smack dab in the middle of the normal time, and none of them wanted to join the Cleanfeed to discuss lnurlp.
#namespace Phase 7 is now fully baked. We can open Phase 8 after coming up with a plan to hopefully not get as bogged down as we did in phase 7. That was too much of a slog.
@samsethi@james@evan It would be great to have a comprehensive list of what verbs do when presented to different clients - which ones get coerced into other types vs. which are natively accepted.
12-hour timelapse of American Airlines, Delta, and United plane traffic after what was likely the biggest IT outage in history forced a nationwide ground stop of the three airlines.
@adam@ChrisLAS Nostr works really well as an IRC replacement (ease of websocket, no nickserv cruft), which was what I built with Mkultra, until I ran into the wall of relays not supporting the NIPs I needed to bring other messages from relays back into the chat room. Then it kind of died.
Oscar built a similar (better) system, which I fully support and intend to bridge to AP.
@adam@ChrisLAS Unfortunately, I just can’t see any other use case for it that is compelling. IMO it has no real world advantages over ActivityPub, and is in fact more centralized based on the few relays that carry all messages vs the hundreds of AP servers.
Most of the major Nostr devs are working on it because of Jack grants or VC money. When the VC/Jack money dries up, the party will be over. That’s why I call it a huge “distraction”. It’s pulling devs away from solving real problems.