@bruces What about the literal definition of "I will show any intimate detail of my life/myself/my body, to flog sponsored ware, in exchange for money"… made the job sound anything less than halfway to sex work already?
@markhurst@pluralistic It's been countless years since Instagram decided it was going to ignore user preferences and reset to the "For You" feed every time you reloaded the app… that should have been a bit of a tip off to everyone…
@offensive littéralement Don Quixotes du 21e siècle : pourfendeurs de moulins algorithmiques, sous le regard hilare des milliardaires fascistes, à qui du click de gauchiste rapporte autant que du click de fasciste. 😐
(and yes: I have finally decided to dedicate part of my weekend toward getting rid of that bloated piece of software, if only so I never need to care again about the inane pronouncements of Automattic CEO and Zuckerberg-wannabe Matt #Mullenweg)
Doubtful that I'll do much beyond extracting my old WP posts to a clean format with a basic HTML template on top, but it got me curious about what a modern blog/CMS system could look like…
Looking at the whole Gen AI ecosystem, it is rather striking to realise that none of the countless models for text, image and videos, can acknowledge, let alone handle, the existence of anything connected to human sexuality…
Considering the dystopian role played by these models in shaping the whole of our online experience, and most of our interactions with the world, this is a weird blind spot.
You were hoping for the Matrix? Welcome to Barbie World.
I really don't get where people get all this anxiety about 2025. I've decided to spend it having uninterrupted sex, and so far it's working out brilliant.
When that finally happens, when History makes it clear who sat on the side of the genocidal oppressors, I just really really hope no one lets those people forget where they stood: the “concerned-about-antisemitism” British soft-left luvvies, the “forget-the-Nazi-stuff-we-❤️-Israel’s-right-to-genocide” Germans, the self-proclaimed French “intellectuals” who’ll pick fascists over Muslims…
All those lazy cowards who not only cheer on genocide, but probably think History will look kindly on them.
In a few months, in a few years, not long after Israel finishes razing Gaza and killing off the last Palestinian, the world will come to a consensus that Israel committed genocide, murdered an entire people, and that the world stood there and watched, when not actively helping.
Much like Srebrenica or Rwanda, there will eventually be inquiries and documentaries, showing how much Western countries knew and supported that genocide: US, UK, Germany, France…
@joachim J'offset mes émissions raclette, en utilisant de la viande de milliardaire fumée. (c'est un peu plus coriace que la viande des grisons, mais en macérant un peu, ça passe)
@joachim I think for the sake of this discussion, we need to limit ourselves to the artistic *output* of these bands. Otherwise we can spend many eternities discussing (real or alleged) shite behaviour of all these people… 😁