"If you are National Guard or Active Duty military & you are being ordered to violate the Constitutional rights of US citizens, this is the no. for the GI Rights Hotline. There is support; you don't have to go through with it. Tel 1-877-447-4487"
@br00t4c "Blood Center of New Orleans is critically low so they're opening up at least one donation center today in response to the needs from the attack. If you can donate, today is a great day to do it. All types accepted."
Why even have an Established Church with secular power? Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby resigns over Church abuse scandal - live updates - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cj505ygdp17t
@artcollisions Avoid toxic people, even if they're family Rest when you need to Wear a mask in busy places Remember to give yourself credit for what you do & try to do
"If you are in the path of Milton, please write your pet's name and your phone number with a permanent marker on their belly. In the event you get separated or get lost during the storm, this could be the only thing that reunites you. Collars fall off, and chips can't be searched without the internet."
"The lady at the charity shop today told me she wishes ppl wd clear out their kids' old toys in the lead up to Xmas rather than after because she always sees parents in the days before Xmas looking for toys for their little ones who might be strapped for cash. She said there's rarely anything in before, but they get many toys after. If you know your child is going to get lots of presents for Xmas this year, by clearing out early you could make another child's Xmas a lot more special."
@fencoul Certainly, some people appear to deserve the dp, but we don’t deserve to live in, or be part of, a society that imposes it. Although it appears to empower citizens with sweet revenge, the dp merely gives the State more power over us. The US has one of the highest execution rates, & one of the highest murder rates, so the dp doesn’t deter killers.
Socialism, #human rights 'n' all - #trans rights, of course,, #green stuff, #gardening, #films, #culture, #cats, #dogs, #sundogs, #birdwatching, #vegetarian, #frugality, #SHARP Skinhead, WHY. Former production mgr of communicators for speech impaired ppl, now volunteering for library & a care org, pretty out of touch with TV & modern culture. Twitter: @3salmon#GTTO #HRA