@apps It was a list that I have in a tab. It just crashed again: - I went to the list, scrolled it back to the position as it was, took a screenshot. - I went to my notifications and started a reply to you. I noticed I should also copy the post URL, saved my reply to you as draft. - I returned to the list, app froze and closed before I could copy the URL.
@apps just had my first crash, but was not prompted to send a #FedilabReport via mail. I was switching a lot between Fedilab, Firefox and my calendar to look at event details and enter them in my calendar. When I returned to Fedilab, I tapped on the repost icon and wanted to continue scrolling. The app froze, I had no animation, but the icon was blue. After a few moments of being frozen, the app closed itself and when I opened it again the post was not boosted.
@apps Yes, but needs some more financial transparency. I would like to see an overview of the donations and expenses so far - you are allowed to get compensated, and seeing a gap between what you collect monthly vs. how much time you invest could be motivating to donate. When I look at https://opencollective.com/fedilab it seems the collected money is not used. For the fundraiser I'd like to see some goals, e.g. roughly what kind of additional topics could be covered / prioritized.
@apps Although I'd like for iOS users to have Fedilab, I am concerned about your capacity. I would assume that a rewrite could address some of the current bugs, but also open up a new range of unexpected problems. I would do it only if I am already proficient in the new language and tooling, otherwise I would make many beginner's errors and spend too much time with too little progress.
@apps minor UI #FedilabReport: I notice that the markdown rendering does not exclude usernames, seems wrong like in this case where a username has underscores.
@apps a minor bug #FedilabReport: when editing a draft and only changing an image description, the change is not saved. It does not ask if it should be saved or not. Workaround: add and remove a space in the text, to trigger the notification and be able to save.
@apps it seems you are actively developing again, so I'd like to quickly mention a feature request, that I hope shouldn't be too much work: show media, when writing a reply. #FedilabReport
Current example, happens to me occasionally: I am replying and refer to a graphic. I need to lookup / validate details from that graphic, save as draft, open post, go back to draft. Pictures related.
I think I also had cases, where I wanted to check a link in the original post, or at least see the preview.
@apps@kinetix I think it happens to me when I scroll past the point where it is still loading. If there was an indication of where it is currently loading that would help, to not go past it.