@nicosomb anecdote : quand j'ai commencé le jogging en 2020 je l'emmenais sans laisse car il restait proche, jusqu'au jour où il est descendu du trottoir. Heureusement il n'y avait pas de voiture, sauf ... à 50 mètres derrière nous : une bagnole de la police municipale ! Gag. Je me suis fait remonter les bretelles, mon vieux ! Ils m'ont traitée d'inconsciente dangereuse et ne m'ont pas crue que c'était la première fois que Gizmo descendait du trottoir. La fois d'après j'avais la laisse !
@nicosomb présente o/ Gizmo, un labrador jaune de 10 ans m'accompagne (de moins en moins, rapport à son âge). J'ai récupéré un harnais julius-k9 que quelqu'un donnait et j'ai acheté une laisse de cani-VTT pour chien de plus de 15kg (20 EUR à D4). On fait 5 km sans problème sans trop de dénivelé et le soir à la fraîche (surtout l'été). Avant on faisait 10K mais aujourd'hui il n'en est plus capable. Je lui ai appris 2 nouveaux ordres : "devant !" et "côté !" (et il court devant moi, ou à côté.)
I mislaid my coffee thermos some days ago and noticed this morning. (I probably put it away somewhere which made sense when I did, but so far it's nowhere to be found. Hopefully it'll turn up in the coming weeks/months.) Now, you'd think I would let go, move on. Nope! My brain keeps interrupting repeatedly what it is I'm doing with the same kind of nudge. WHY?
Today I encountered for the first time not far from my house Acacia podalyriifolia, or Pearl acacia – a tree that looks like a hybrid between a regular mimosa tree and a eucalyptus.
> “native to Australia but also naturalised in Malaysia, Africa, India and South America”
> “When interacting with someone from another culture, try to watch more, listen more, and speak less. Listen before you speak and learn before you act.”
> “If you go into every interaction assuming that culture doesn't matter, your default mechanism will be to view others through your own cultural lens and to judge or misjudge them accordingly.”
> “The same (*) applies to many African cultures, including those found in Kenya and Zimbabwe, and to a lesser degree Latin American cultures (such as Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina) and Latin European cultures (such as Spain, Italy, Portugal) including France.”
> “in many Asian cultures, including India, China, Japan, and Indonesia, messages are often conveyed implicitly, requiring the listener to read between the lines. Good communication is subtle, layered, and may depend on copious subtext, with responsibility for transmission of the message shared between the one sending the message and the one receiving it.”
> “In the United States and other Anglo-Saxon cultures, people are trained (mostly subconsciously) to communicate as literally and explicitly as possible. Good communication is all about clarity and explicitness, and accountability for accurate transmission of the message is placed firmly on the communicator: ‘If you don't understand, it's my fault.’”
> “every year in Japan there is a vote for the most popular new word. A few years ago, the word of the year was "KY." It stands for kuuki yomenai, which means "one who cannot read the air"—in other words, a person sorely lacking the ability to read between the lines. In Japan if you can't read the air, you are not a good listener.”
@dansup 🫶 I’m sorry there are jerks targeting you personally and your work. I hope you take solace in something. Not everyone is an asshole. Thank you for being you and doing what you do.
@slothrop I wrote up suggestions for a friend a while back (updated the visitor sim card section this year after my last trip). I didn’t include budget aspects so much though (Japan is expensive but you can get by.) I recommend! Japan is splendid, elegant, safe, peculiar, and the Japanese are nice.
> the “lurker” is someone who posts, replies, and boosts less than a certain amount a year > the “cool-hunter” is someone who boosts more than twice what they post > the “pollster” is someone whose posts are at least 10% polls > the “social butterfly” is someone who replies more than they post themselves > the “oracle” is a person that does not fall into any of these categories
#InspirationalQuoteNOT > "when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agenda or knowledgeably question those in authority; when […] our critical faculties [are] in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness."
♀, mothering, photoing, exercising, painting @w3c staff vintage 1999. I read every post of peeps I follow (modulo some filters).@koalie (W3C) for more web-standards-related content and @koalie (MIT) which is my outlet account 😈μ-blogging 🇺🇸🇫🇷 since April 3, 2017.Most of my posts are automatically deleted after 3 months.#photography #DailyExercise #BikeTooter #art #nerd #web #w3c #MickeyRaccoon