It’s that dark and oh-so-chilly time of year when so many cultures and communities look to rituals, holy times, and celebrations to light up the night.
As Kohenet April Baskin reminds us, even the smallest amount of light - produced by even the smallest action - can transform an experience. (2/)
In a moment of darkness – in an experience we have in our mind, or in an exchange we're having – just as we can light a single match, just flick it, we can add some friction, put a little bit of effort in, and light appears.
If you're in a dark room, just simply lighting one match before you even light the candle shifts the whole dynamic. You go from largely not being able to be aware of your surroundings, if you're a seeing person, to being able to see so much more.
The Book of Judith is a fan favorite. After all, who doesn't love a feisty heroine, a sharp blade, a multipurpose snack bag, and a happy ending? Over the years, poets, from Old English knightly epics to feminist, queer, anticolonial celebrations and blades of precision, have retold the story of Judith. (1/)
I have such issues with Christians who call other Christians "not real Christians" b/c they're harmful--it's gaslighting to the victims of Christianity's brutal history.
Here's what engaging w/harmful branches of a tradition can look like, from Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David. 1/x
Reminder: despite white people loving to quote the line from “I Have a Dream” abt individualistic things (judging people), most of the speech was abt systemic racism, incl things that continue to harm now—police violence, housing injustice,voter suppression, insufficient change.
Rabbi, author, most recent ? ON REPENTANCE AND REPAIR: MAKING AMENDS IN AN UNAPOLOGETIC WORLD. ? Scholar in Residence @NCJW, fighting for abortion access for all somewhere near you. ?Everybody-celebratory sacred + justice newsletter at LifeIsASacredText.Substack.Com. ✨Liberation is a group project. Still on Twitter. Still probably looking for coffee. Still grateful for you. ♥️