if I ever attain notoriety through the commission of hypothetical crimes please attribute my actions to the influence of stardew valley, a socialist simulation in which you are encouraged to band together with fellow radical agitators to drive a local hardworking job creator out of town with the aid of dark magic and vegetables
my very smart trans friend, paraphrased: if you are a cis woman and plausibly menopausal or premenopausal and thus potentially concerned about hot flashes, see if you can get a prescription for HRT just in case. estradiol is estradiol, and you never know who is going to be short on supply in the coming months/years. these sorts of informal networks to cover shortages are crucial. the more normalized and common it is, the harder it will be for a fascist gov’t to make it inaccessible for good.
Genuinely, who is organizing progressives in Canada and how do I get involved? It feels like the center left has absolutely been asleep here since 2015 and I don’t know what the fuck to do about it.
ETA: I am looking for actual names of groups, people, organizations, not analysis. I don’t want to hear about NGOs and certified non-profits. I fucking get why this is happening and don’t need a lecture telling me what I already know, I’m looking for who’s actually working on the problem.
“[One] concrete thing that you can do, in the event of a political catastrophe, that will actually matter: Join a union. […] Fix in your mind, right now, the fact that “resisting” the sort of changes that might come about during four more years of The Bad Man requires not just rage and donations and protests—it requires the construction of *competing power centers* that can stand up to a weaponized version of the government. Organized labor should be that power center.” https://www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/after-election-day
muting the xoxo hashtag :( somehow having had a ticket (and travel booked!!) and then not being able to use it because of family medical emergencies feels worse than I think it would've felt to never have gotten a ticket in the first place, and I get so bummed anytime I see people post about it. esp bc this is the second Last Ever conference I've had to miss due to circumstances out of my control, I had a ticket to strangeloop last year for a whole year and then had to cancel 😭
Slack's lack of blocking makes it entirely nonviable as any sort of genuine community hub and given their ongoing neglect of a feature people have been requesting for years I can only assume that this is intentional.
@evan “everyone should be able to” is different than “everyone should know how to”, imo. Everyone should be able to avail themselves of the resources and community to learn how to program, if they want to. Everyone should not need to know how to program, no.
I write code for a living and words for my sins. Among other things, I care about labour organizing, police abolition, antiracism and decolonization, accessibility, and public interest technology. When I’m not at work, I read, climb, and cycle through various other vaguely creative hobbies (art, textile crafts, music, games, etc). Voracious collector of memes and shitposts; occasional contributor to the same. Trans rights are human rights and abortion is health care.