It’s been so long since I last read the LOTR trilogy. I had forgotten just how strong of a friendship Gimli and Legolas had. They’re making plans to travel together if they survive the war. #relationshipgoals
Google software doesn’t do simple pagination. (Don’t give me Google’s technical reasons. I know). That mentality will be deciding who lives and who dies.
I have gotten to the point that if a $59 hardware solution requires me to write an iOS app to control it I will gladly pay (and advise other non-profits) to adopt a $349 hardware solution that requires me to write a Python app because the uncertainty that Apple imposes with app review is far more costly than the difference. And I’ve been an iOS Dev since 2010.
Apple has become an impediment to small business and non-profits. At least in my circles.
The best friend of someone I love was on that plane that crashed. It feels strange grieving the loss of someone I didn't know and never met, not because of what it's doing to me, but what it's doing to her.
I saw the still picture. It could be construed as a still taken in the middle of a spree of waving to make him look bad. But when you see a video clip like this GIF, there can be no doubt.
I realized another reason why it’s so important to take your kids camping: so they learn how to travel with constraints.
I’m taking some youth in a ski trip and these ‘kids’ are in their twenties and don’t know how to prep for a trip, pack essential clothing, be ready to leave on time, how to pack a backpack and a car trunk in last-in-first-out mode, etc. None of these are innate attributes; they have to be learned. We have to teach our kids these things.
The rationalizations of the people here who think that Tim Cook is playing some sort of 4D chess with trump sound disturbingly like the rationalizations of the magaheads who think that trump is playing some sort of 4D chess with everyone else.
At the first (I believe) CocoaHeads after the 2016 elections we discussed software to help organize volunteers, etc. We used it to organize against trump and the Muslim Ban and so many more of his shenanigans. In the ensuing 8 years i’ve got a lot more experience with this kind of stuff.
If anyone needs help deciding on a tech stack, hit me up. I’ll be glad to help.
Manager and Architect at Gogo Business Aviation. Also @QuranMemorizer and @Quran_Reflect iOS apps. Volunteer as Mosque Security Director and teach coding to Black Youth at Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists. (CABPES)Director of Technology at Muslim Youth for Positive Impact (MYPI)