@lina@CrackSmokerHD If we are talking English VTubers, yes. If we are talking Japanese VTubers, hell no. At least Japan's VTubers actually have fucking personality and are entertaining at bare minimum unlike the western side of VTubing.
@HellRavenMatingPress You should've seen the development of DMC2. It is a fucking miracle the state of the game even got to where it was. Stinger was the only thing done they had. Itsuno literally saved it. SMT3: Nocturne redeemed DMC2 Dante severely.
@faithisleaping I have gotten so used to being gendered correctly that I barely notice sometimes. But other times someone paying for their petrol, telling the cashier: "My car is the one behind that ladies car.", and I get a stupidly wide grin as I'm walking to my car.
It feels so good, for ppl just casually referring to me as a woman.
@mikuphile@faithisleaping You think that impresses me? I am, and always have been a woman, and there is nothing you can do or say that will change that. We are just a part of the natural and beautiful human diversity, if you can't stomach people being happy, finally awakening from a nightmare of a life, to embrace who they are, and feel the joy of being seen, I kindly ask you to fuck off. Yes I'm gay, but that's because I'm a woman, loving two other women.
Also, I am part of the 41%, have been for over 20 years. If this confuses you, try understanding what you're saying, and not just repeating stuff you don't understand.
The 41% is the percentage of trans people who have attempted suicide before they started to transition. I was acutely suicidal for a couple of years in my late teens to early 20s, and nearly killed myself when I was 21. So yes, I am part of the 41% who tried to kill themselves before finally transitioning.
There is nothing you can say, to make me hate myself, because I am very familiar with self hate, but transition helped a lot. I've lived through decades of repeated trauma, and there is nothing you can do to me, that others haven't done before. I've lived through so much shit, you can litterally not even imagine a fraction of what I survived.
Transition has made me much stronger that you'll ever be. Hating people who have done nothing to you, and who just want to live their life? Do you realize how pathetic you are?
I wish you to receive all the misery you're trying to deal out, but I also wish that you'll one day come to the realization of how bigoted and small minded you have been.
Find a hobby that doesn't involve trying to put other people down. But you've tried bashing the wrong trans person, because I'm proud of what I survived to finally be me. I am finally happy, after decades of misery, and a pathetic little hater like you doesn't even have a sliver of a chance to take that away from me.
So kindly go fuck yourself, and stop attacking my brothers, sisters and enby siblings.
@SNEK@faithisleaping I'm so sorry you're filled with hate. Grow up, and stop trying (and failing) to put down people who are more resilient that you can ever hope to be.
If you're an example of normal, than no thanks. Your hate is just pathetic.
You make me laugh at how fucking pathetic and utterly childish you are. How old are you? Twelve?
@MaliceinSlumberland@hellhammer666 If this was Edo period Japan during the Sakoku policy or even Imperial Japan yeah this foreigner would've been killed long before this.
@Misato@ryo yeaaah Japanese people need to understand that when they go overseas that the foreigners are NOT your friends until they show otherwise. There's plenty that WILL take advantage of your shit english and just overall.
If you support the LGBTQ aka the mental illness or ABCDLYZ123 people or are one yourself block me. If you use pronouns in bio block me. If you support Ukraine block me. If you are a furry or an Anti-Lolicon who still simps for 3D women somehow block me.All Known Network posts go here: https://bae.st/users/Yorsshitposter