@jenniferplusplus In our case, conversation context is a collection of activities. If we add top-level post (Note) to that collection, it becomes a mixed bag. It's harder to parse, and generally doesn't feel right to me.
So I want to have two collections, one with activities and one with posts, and use two different properties:
1. Note.threadContext (or Note.conversationContext) - points to a collection of activities.
2. Note.thread (or Note.context) - points to a collection of posts.
My normal writing process is very much fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants with only a map of the underlying worldbuilding ideas to guide me.
So I find it disturbing, to say the least, to suddenly discover I've got 3-4000 words of detailed plot notes about the next-but-one novel on my to-do list.
(Working title: "The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Isekai'd." You're welcome!)
I am deeply tempted to make this my new LinkedIn profile pic.
Honestly I love the company I work for at the moment, and I don't intend to look for another job as long as they're in business and they don't fire me.
So what's the downside?
Fuck it. Let's fucken go.
And if anyone wants to come in here on their superficial morality high horse to wag their finger at me about " CeLeBrAtInG tHiS iS wRoNG."
#UnitedHealthcare has killed thousands upon thousands of people by denyng them the life saving care they needed.
And this motherfucker, this monster, who just got shot got RICH from murdering innocent medically vulnerable people. Sure seems like justice to me.
So if you want to defend a monster like that, by all means, welcome to my block list. :akkoshrug:
Changing professional address in France requires
- a smartphone (I don’t have one)
- An app called France Identité, requiring iOS 16.6 or Android 11+, that will digitalize my face and link my devices to it.
Or to pay at least 80€ to contact a lawyer so he does that for me.
So the French government wants me to have a very recent smartphone, surfing on planned obsolescence without any web / paper alternative, to scan my face in 3D by installing its app on my device. All that to change a single address line. It makes me sick and, frankly scared.
If you remove the advertising/financial connotations from the word "influencer", then I have been influenced more by people on Mastodon than any prior social media:
I now often go for bike rides when the weather is not perfectly wonderful, because of a guy who rides every day.
I've found, looked at, and intend to swim in the local ocean baths, because of a lady up the coast who frequently swims and posts pictures which make her ocean baths look pretty wonderful.
I've read several books because of people here waxing lyrical about them.
I've made a chilli dipping sauce, because a lady on here suggested that to me.
So, for me, the influencing on Mastodon is more … "authentic"?
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