Tänk att de kunde skriva den här artikeln utan att nämna samhällsklass en enda gång. "Vad märkligt, vi har upptäckt att fattigdom, kort utbildning, brottslighet, hälsoproblem och kvinnomisshandel hänger ihop på något vis!"
Having submitted a journal paper yesterday, I'm dedicating today to studying the new books about Luistari and Salme. These are important burial sites of the late 1st millennium in #Finland and #Estonia, to either side of the Gulf of Finland.
@meraord Javisst, men idag kostar de ungdomar som inte gör värnplikt med vapen i hand ingenting. Reformen skulle innebära att skattebetalarna måste försörja *alla* ungdomar i ett år.
The writer criticises #Spotify, the #music streaming service, on the grounds that if you give it no information about your taste and just click on a random playlist on the opening page, you get to hear bland commercial music catering to the lowest common denominator. This is analogous to criticising 1990s record stores because you once went into one, bought a record completely at random, and didn’t like it.
We're not living through a period of gradual climate change. That's just an artefact of our fast time perception. On the proper geological time scale we are shrapnel being thrown around by an explosion. We're mayflies with no conception of autumn.
Swedish #academia practices protected in-house staff recruitment to an unusual degree. A particularly overt and bizarre method, seen from an international perspective, is that in the rare case where a Swedish humanities PhDs gets a post-doc at all, it's often at their home department.
Gulligt. Tyska politiker brukar ertappas med fejkad doktorstitel. Civilminister Erik Slottner (KD) nöjde sig med att fejka en pol.mag., och äldre- och socialförsäkringsminister Anna Tenje (M) en master i europeisk administration.
There are several clear definitions of when your early career as an academic starts and ends. This means that there are also clear definitions of when your mid-career starts. But there seems to be no clear definition of when your late career starts.
Most investment funds perform worse than the general stock market index. It is a lottery. For statistical reasons, a few participants always come out ahead. We call them "shrewd investors". Our only way of identifying such a random "shrewd investor" is that they have come out ahead.