@baconandcoconut@GottaLaff I understand who the Quakers are. My point is the government seems to let religious groups get away with a lot when they're abusing defenseless people but not when they're protecting them. I realize it isn't the same churches doing the abusing and defending.
I'm evacuating from the #eatonfire, which has blown up quickly. It hadn't even started when I got home from work, but I had to evacuate before bedtime. It's a good reminder to have a plan for what to do in an emergency.
@fedops@joby There's a Tesla charging station next to the route I walk to the train station every morning. I shouldn't have to plan my route to avoid it to preserve my privacy, especially because there might be other places on alternative routes that also don't respect my privacy. There should be laws covering this stuff. Nobody should get access to security camera recordings without a legal process to protect the public.
@GottaLaff More seriously, this shows exactly how Trump won. He succeeded in making the election about what Biden was doing rather than what he was going to do. So people worried about Palestine voted for Trump out of anger at Biden without considering Trump was going to be worse. People worried about inflation voted against Biden without considering Trump's tariffs would destroy the economy. And so forth.
@Npars01@GottaLaff Everyone on the right steals from their own organization, and they've been doing it for a long time. There's a whole ecosystem of grifters attached to the far right wing of the party whose goal is to produce just enough results to keep the money flowing. It's the natural consequence of the right-wing attitude that money is everything.
@GottaLaff It's gutless, but not the way people are presenting it. The owners are too gutless to deal with the fallout from forcing their editorial staff to endorse Trump, so they tried the weak compromise of blocking any endorsement. It failed, and it probably brought more attention to the topic of editorial endorsements than if they had just ignored it and let their papers endorse Harris. It also shows what turds the owners are.
The whole framing of this story has been infuriating. The residents in the area want the Army Corps of Engineers to come in and stop a massive landslide so they can continue living in their multimillion dollar homes. The right solution is to red tag the whole area and tell the residents to move someplace that isn't in imminent danger of sliding into the ocean.
@TechConnectify@larsmb One of the things I've learned to look for is whether someone is searching for problems or solutions. People who are focused exclusively on problems are usually looking for an excuse for inaction. People who are focused on solutions want the project to succeed. They may still see obstacles, but they'll at least try to find solutions. If they can't find one, they'll be happy to hear someone else has.
@lori@notjustbikes The problem isn't that they're beta testing on public streets; there has to be a final test on the street sometime. The problem is the final test under real conditions is in the hands of random customers rather than paid, trained testers. Also, "Full Self-Driving" is false advertising. If the instructions say the driver needs to be ready to take over at any minute, it isn't Full Self-Driving.
Proud peripheral blood stem cell donor (2007); my recipient is still going all these years later.Employed ever since at City of Hope, where I work in the Integrated Mass Spectrometry Shared Resource. #TeamMassSpecAll opinions are my own and are worth what you paid for them.Hobbies include photography and sourdough baking.Graduate of Caltech (1994)