@hellomiakoda I had a 95 legacy wagon for quite a few years. It lasted until the wiring got so brittle I would have had to fully rewire it. Loved that car. Manual, handled any type of driving conditions and you could haul 26 2x6s on the roof rack. I now own a 2017 Subaru Impreza sedan limited edition with very low mileage and am babying this car. It is old enough to have a CD player and new enough to have a screen for Android Auto.
@hellomiakoda Well the ad blocking so far has been great. Which is built in and not plug-in related. I have no ad blockers installed. Again any browser can change but so far so good. Hard to get away from chromium these days.
@hellomiakoda Try Brave. Chromium based but has built in ad blocking and so far quite good. Also from what I understand a fork of chromium so Google should not be able to inject any crap into it. Also has built in tor private browsing if you are into that.
@hellomiakoda I have gotten back into No Man's Sky recently and really enjoying it. Looks amazing, had a massive amount of content (not something I expected when I stopped playing it back after release in 2016). The multiplayer is fun although a little glitchy. I am really looking forward to Light No Fire and may pre order it, something I never do. Original game designs are hard to come by these days.
@hellomiakoda I was on Twitter very early on (before Retweets were a thing) and saw the user base change drastically in that time. The user base used to be super helpful and doing meetups and then went down the tubes really fast (at least 10 years ago while Jack was still in charge) and then really bad when Elon bought it. I still have my account but only to tag Elon with from time to time. I am not touching BlueSky at all. It will go the same way Twitter did. Jack cannot help himself.
@hellomiakoda I have left my Facebook account the same way. Pinned a post to my Mastodon account and then abandoned it. May do the same with my Tiktok account.
Hey @apps I noticed that watermarks on images are really hard to see in the lower right corner. Feel free to look at my timeline in the least few photos I uploaded. Not sure what is going on there.
Minnesotan by birth, Oregonian by choice. Been socially distanced for years. Pixel Pusher. Gaming. Movies. Space. Photography. Using this account for local PDX stuffs. You can also follow me at @edox if you want or at @fourcookies on Twitter. The local timeline is where it is at. • #RCTID • #BAONPDX • #SKOL • #RIPCITY • ❤️☠️➕? • :pdx_badge: