I was reading some audio-related things and came across LimeWire which brought back fond college memories. I went to the website and it has now been perverted with AI bullshit.
@drewdevault Technical interviews are an absolutely shit show. Too often the process involves verifying someone knows specific technical thing X instead of testing if someone is a smart person that can learn a new concept and apply it to solve problems. The former is easier to do and churns through applicants faster to get the right one for right now instead of the right one for long term gain.
Software Engineer | Go | Rust | C | Hare | Linux | Networking | eBPF | Distributed Systems | Databaseshttps://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9620Powerlifter/Strongman. 515# squat | 605# deadlift | 300# bench press | 200# shoulder pressMotorcycles, heavy metal, and tattoos#AuDHD father to an #AuDHD kiddo."Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq.