"No doubt unconsciously, the contrast between the true state and false ‘entity’ that founds Malm’s argument here replicates that made by Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg in his 1922 pamphlet 'Der Staatsfeindliche Zionismus' /.../ Far from the state being the means by which this society can be opposed, as it is for Malm, from this perspective – one shared by Anselm Jappe, whose work draws heavily from the value-critical tradition – the state is ‘the political form of [capitalist] society’ itself, and thus dependent on the continued reproduction of that society. The validity of a particular state in this society does not rest on any ontological connection between a ‘people’ and a ‘land’ – the basis of Malm’s rejection of the ‘Zionist entity’ /.../ – but the extant state’s ability to defend its borders, quell internal unrest and integrate its citizens into the capitalist world market. Romantic nationalism does not explain the underlying ‘origin’ of the state but is rather a consoling fantasy /.../ And as his impassioned writings and intervention makes clear, for Malm this Palestine-to-come, premised on the destruction of the ‘Zionist entity’, will not be merely one more state among many but rather the symbol of an emancipated world, the harbinger of a reconciled nature and a redeemed humanity. As so many times in the past, here a stubborn, recalcitrant Jewish particularity is presented as the obstacle to the restoration of natural harmony"
@stylo_the_unicorn I like your way of putting it. Much more straightforward than anybody writing in Exit could have put it (with possible exception for the late Dr. Ortlieb – the mathematician, or course, also knew how to be concise)
"Using a special technique devised by Ostinato producer Janto Koité, we extracted the individual melodic patterns, rhythms, as well as the MIDI data, and combined them with older recordings to recreate his lengthy sessions into individual dance tracks for a worldwide audience to reach the enviable frenzy of Sudanese crowds."
I also can recommend this long piece on the historical relation between Marxism and Zionism, written from an anti-nationalist (maybe "ultra-left") perspective, ending with 197 footnotes to relevant sources: https://mcmxix.org/2018/07/09/zionism-and-marxism/
If you are looking for a clear-sighted, universalist, internationalist, Marxian perspective on the Palestine/Israel-conflict (and read German), I really recommend this long piece by Walter Hanser [pseudonym for Gerhard Hanloser]: https://kosmoprolet.org/de/israel-palaestina-und-der-universalismus "Israel, Palästina und der Universalismus", published in Kosmoprolet #4 (2015).
"Es dürfen keine Unterschiede in der Wertigkeit von Menschenleben gemacht werden. Wer den Angriff der Hamas feiert, unterscheidet. Wer es legitim findet, zwei Millionen Menschen kollektiv zu bestrafen und tausende Tote durch Luftschläge in Gaza achselzuckend hinnimmt, unterscheidet." –– Interventionistische Linke Berlin https://blog.interventionistische-linke.org/antikriegsbewegung/zum-krieg-in-israel-palaestina
"Bandcamp’s editorial operation has long supported this niche ecosystem /.../ Kneecapping Bandcamp Daily would represent a major loss for online music discourse. It’s one of the few publications left that puts significant resources into covering obscure artists from around the world." https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/is-bandcamp-as-we-know-it-over/amp/
Indeed, it'd be a major loss. But also a good occasion to start building other and BETTER online spaces for qualified music criticism/curation.
In any case, it is not ideal to have music writers working for music distributors.
It was twenty years since last time #VoxVulgaris recorded any new material, but last weekend we were back in the studio together with our producers Daniel Fagerström (Fagge) and Clea Herlöfsson (DJ Clea). #medieval#MedievalMusic
"Man muss die Anerkennung der strukturellen Asymmetrie zwischen einer der stärksten Militärmächte der Welt (Israel) und einer fragmentierten und über Jahrzehnte strukturell entrechteten Gesellschaft (Palästina), die diesem Konflikt eingeschrieben ist, nicht aufgeben, um an universellen humanistischen Grundsätzen festzuhalten. Ich schreibe das als Reaktion auf eine Welle des verbalen Radikalismus aufseiten einiger Linker, die in den vergangenen Tagen insbesondere auf Social Media spürbar wurde: »Was habt ihr denn gedacht, was Dekolonisierung bedeutet? Vibes? Essays? Loser«, lautete beispielsweise eines dieser Statements. /.../ Die Linke wird durch die Situation auf eine ernsthafte Probe gestellt. Sie sollte nicht die Fehler ihrer Regierungen wiederholen und sich nullsummenhaft auf die Seite von Flaggen schlagen, kritische Stimmen übergehen und die Humanität ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen ausblenden. Sie muss eine Form von aktivem Humanismus walten lassen, der Dehumanisierung ganzer Gruppen, Palästinenser*innen oder Israelis, Jüdinnen und Juden oder Muslime, unmissverständlich verurteilt."
"A hypothetical being, which Nozick calls THE UTILITY MONSTER, receives much more utility from each unit of a resource that it consumes than anyone else does. For instance, eating a cookie might bring only one unit of pleasure to an ordinary person but could bring 100 units of pleasure to a utility monster." 🤡
If music would only "decorate" time, then I would prefer another art form or practice, one for which time is something to transform, twist, screw, halt, accelerate & warp.