Mastodons, we have attracted all cat-loving individuals on the planet. If we want to grow further, we need to diversify!
In coordination with @Gargron , the Mastodon Post Office has lifted the ban on other cute animals till the end of the month. Even without CW.
It will take some time for all of us to adjust. A picture scrolling in that turns out to only show a dog or an otter - it won‘t be easy. But we can do it!
„Oh, I write software!“ „Me too!“ „Can we share?“ „We should share it with everyone!“ „That is so great!“ „For free! Everyone should be free!“ „For free!“
„It‘s a joke what these FOSS guys are doing!“ „In-ad-e-qu-ate!“ „We have trillion dollar businesses built on this stuff. What were these guys thinking?“ „Irresponsible!“ „Maybe if we make them feel guilty….?“ „Worth a try!“
On one hand you have the laziness of Mitre and friends to add any silly CVE claim, unless someone like @bagder pushes back using days of his precious time
Otoh, there are these „super CVEs“ which apply to several projects and people demand coordinated rollouts on specific dates to limit exposure. But most projects don‘t work that way.
And I‘m not sure why unpaid people are putting in extra effort to protect business interests, myself included.
„And she gave away the secrets of her past And said, "I've lost control again" And heard a voice that told her when and where to act She said, "I've lost control again"
A cocktail recipe gets turned into >10 minute video, sprinkled with ads, protected by adblocker-blockers, to be digested by AI, analyzed via state of the art cpu arrays, to extract the original cocktail recipe for further marketing.
"We need this feature for our commercial project (where we have been using your Open Source for years)!" "May I charge you a day of my work?" "Ah, sorry, the budget is very tight..."
Do local commits often. When the test cases succeed.
Your future self, who will do „just one more tiny change before I close shop for today“, will be grateful.
I mean, go for that tiny change at the end of the day. Just be prepared that it implodes. Then git restore sanity and close.
Avoid the evening session trying to backtrack to the working code you remember having achieved a few hours ago. But, with the night advancing, you begin to doubt you ever really had. ?