@WeissenSocken88 @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @SpoopyAnon
I'll leave that one to you.
@WeissenSocken88 @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @SpoopyAnon
I'll leave that one to you.
@Humpleupagus @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
So if you keep replying to my jacking off with angry claims that I am a homosexual, does this mean you want to participate?
Weird shit man.
@Humpleupagus @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
Look, just man the fuck up and think more broadly.
I have not asked you to give up ethnonationalism or anything else of value.
My point is that what you advocate will not achieve what you claim it will, and in the process, a dangerous culprit will be let off the hook.
You do not want that unless you hate your own people.
@Humpleupagus @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
Mainly because your philosophies do not stand up to scrutiny.
You are, like the neoconservatives, misleading your people.
They do not need to commit horrors.
They need to get off the dick of equality.
@Humpleupagus @InoHoward @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
It might seem fun, from an armchair in a city apartment or suburban basement, to think about exterminating a people.
Now imagine that you are the guy who has to actually do it.
You will be disgusted.
If you were a real sociopath or psychopath, instead of just larping as one, you would be totally selfish and just go murder people in private.
Instead you are using murder to make yourself seem authentic.
This fools people for awhile but renders you ludicrous after a time.
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Jews emphasize intelligence and education in what they reward.
Head retard Hitler actually boosted Ashkenazim IQ by killing the poor, but generally Jewish culture is not kind to the stupid and foolish.
It's why their comedy is so good: they hate idiots and idiocy, and have no problem making fun of them.
@InoHoward @Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
...from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai (Hebrew y'hudi) "a Jew," from Y'hudah "Judah," literally "celebrated," name of Jacob's fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.
Spare me the trailer park shit, OK?
@JedDrudge @Sui @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon @NonPlayableClown @Christmas_Man
In my experience, all tribes are this way.
It's both me-first and sticking to what you know.
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Groups have variation within them, yes or no?
@Xenophon @Sui @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @SpoopyAnon
In your view, what is it?
After years of pogroms, poorer Jews who could not buy their way out of trouble left the gene pool.
Jewish culture rigorously rewards intelligence and education.
Their eugenics is superior to yours. Cry more? Or just adopt the sensible strategies they have understaken, one supposes.
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Let us stipulate that I am retarded.
Does this have bearing on whether or not I am correct?
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
No, I am not an individualist, materialist, pluralist, etc.
But I think there is variation within groups, and the position of that group influences them a great deal.
Jews, as foreign visitors in foreign lands, naturally feel threatened by majority culture.
This happens to all groups under diversity, which is why all of them vote Leftist.
Do we compare 70% Democrat Jews to 98% Democrat Blacks? What about 75%+ Democrat Asians? How about 65%+ Democrat Hispanics (skewed mostly by Cubans, who got to experience Communism firsthand)?
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
In particular, logical principles such as the law of excluded middle (for every proposition p, either p or its negation, not-p, is true, there being no “middle” true proposition between them) can no longer be justified if a strongly realist conception of truth is replaced by an antirealist one which restricts what is true to what can in principle be known.
...this means that the philosophy fucking us up here is antirealism.
@Sui @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Theocratic societies can swing either way.
For Jews, it is complex because religion=culture=race.
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Are we talking Ashkenazim or Sephardim here?
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon @Christmas_Man
Have you considered that most people are simply incompetent or insincere when it comes to political opinions?
You say what your social group likes to hear. No one is thinking deeper than that.
@Humpleupagus @Sui @ArdainianRight @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
This is true of any minority group. If you shipped Whites to Africa, they would probably be seen as liberal reformers in contrast to the majority view. Jews are smarter than average (IQ avg 115) therefore are overrepresented.
Scapegoating groups misses the point: somewhere, an ideology, argument, or philosophy has taken over the society and made it blind to reality.
You also end up blinding yourself to anything but the scapegoat and risk becoming a pathological murderer like the Soviets vs kulaks, Nazis vs Jews, Leftists vs fascists, Christians vs Satan, etc.
It's all symbolism but real people die.
=== FUCK THAT ===
@Sui @ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @SpoopyAnon
Ideologies can be threats generally.
@Humpleupagus @ArdainianRight @SpoopyAnon
Jesus was Jewish, so I doubt that.
I think he would be okay with the moneychangers, sycophants, liars, rapists, cheater, stealers, etc going to Hell.
@ArdainianRight @Humpleupagus @SpoopyAnon
My guess is that he would kill different people than Hitler would.
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