@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me "everything is in order."
Notices by niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be), page 20
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 23:55:12 JST niconiconi -
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 23:45:08 JST niconiconi @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me A few years ago CVE was almost becoming "CPU Vulnerabilities and Exposures"
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 23:40:04 JST niconiconi CVE (C++ Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 19:34:20 JST niconiconi @puniko :3DNow:
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 11:46:34 JST niconiconi "MSI admits faulty heatsink design for cracked Z790 chipsets: [...] A revised chipset heatsink screw design has been implemented into our production"In other words, they screwed it up literally.
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Thursday, 04-Apr-2024 11:30:02 JST niconiconi "package maintainers"? more like "software librarians"
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 15:42:03 JST niconiconi @Erpel@hat-eine.entenbru.st @puniko@mk.absturztau.be CPU usage (Catgirl Puniko Unit usage)
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 14:53:52 JST niconiconi @puniko :nikoni1:
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 03-Apr-2024 14:51:59 JST niconiconi Q: What do you call a company that hires a group of programmers to do BIOS development?
A: A startup company. -
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Apr-2024 14:44:57 JST niconiconi @Shark@miniwa.moe As you may have already found out by now, the speed of light is too slow, so those are delay lines to ensure all signals in the same group have the exact same length so signals arrive at their destination at the same time."For example, 1% (±0.5%) at 800 MHz clock is 6.25 picosecond (1250ps/200). Typical flight times for FR4 PCB are near 6.5 ps/mm. So matching to ±1mm (±0.040 inch) allocates 1% of the clock period to route matching."
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Apr-2024 13:42:47 JST niconiconi Literally me, except I'm not a cute anime girl and I'm not a goddess of the Internet. #animeirl
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Apr-2024 00:07:40 JST niconiconi How to download RAM
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Monday, 01-Apr-2024 18:13:24 JST niconiconi Q: What's the difference between an authentic Li-ion battery and a counterfeit one?
A: For the former, the battery gets charged. For the latter, the seller gets charged. -
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Monday, 01-Apr-2024 09:00:59 JST niconiconi Is a website that automatically finds working SearX sites a meta-meta-search engine?
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Monday, 01-Apr-2024 08:44:14 JST niconiconi Good meownyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 21:21:20 JST niconiconi @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me In Matlab/Octave, both i and j are global variables with a value of sqrt(-1), so by convention, loop counters are ii and jj.
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 18:21:48 JST niconiconi Intel Core i⑨ #animeirl
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 18:15:40 JST niconiconi Fedi girls be like... (src: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/24997189 ) #animeirl
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 11:40:20 JST niconiconi LMAO. :blobcatlul: The early 2000s was hilarious.
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niconiconi (niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 11:17:03 JST niconiconi @jiub@tech.lgbt @weilawei@mastodon.online another funny one is netsky source code.scr, good news: it really is netsky, bad news: it's not source code, it's object code.