@w3c being an almost #Blind / #LowVision, and having worked as #FreeSoftware and average-level #Security advocate, now with limited internet connection and reused computers/cellphones, I like sites that work completely with plain #HTML and #CSS, but I find autoexecuted client-side software such as #JavaScript / #JS or any similar, to be risky, energy-consuming and unfriendly to text browsers. I hope #WebAuthn is drafted to require plain HTTP AUTH fallback.
@Francehelder isso dá uma ideia de como as "outras distros #Linux / #GNULinux" mascaram o desrespeito do fabricante às liberdades essenciais do software, que deveriam ser entregues a ti, o usuário final. Eu acho que #Trisquel / #TrisquelGNU, assim como outras distros livres, fazem o correto ao não incluir as partes que não são #SoftwareLivre.