Now that discount store Hitler won, most weapons (legal & physical) are in state goons hands, with fascists owning a good % of them, how would shit & fashlibs intend on protecting themselves.
The shitlib cult built around antigun will force many more people unsafe unless they change their views about learning how to use guns.
Who called? Shitlibs who are vying for power? Did they take any actions to dampen their danger?
So, by calling them weird, you got a rise out fascists. Then what?
If they win, what they do would be evil, not weird.
When one forcefully shifts the political spectrum from evil to weird & then the evil wins because you are too busy playing a stupid game, which otherwise would have spent mobilizing people to fight them if they win, then what I see is even more harm.
It's an undeniable fact that most of us would not be thinking, let alone speaking about Palestine liberation had it not been for Hamas & the courageous yet violent step they took to challenge the thug that was stomping on the face of Palestinian people for nearly a century, humiliating them while attacking their dignity — physical & psychological, most importantly making this state of subjugation permanent. They forced the enemy to show his true colors out in the open. We now know not just the enemy but all other enemies who are his bed fellows that are the root cause of Palestinian suffering.
As to whether Hamas is more like a criminal gang within the prison (or) That's the only form of resistance that prisoners are allowed to build that can actually withstand against an inhuman prison authority is something history would judge, once the blood becomes dry.
It goes without saying Hamas is definitely not an ally. But one thing that can't be denied to them is this: Every one of those Hamas fighters who breached the Gaza prison (or more like a 2020s variation of a concentration camp) fences & walls on Oct 7th knew most of them would likely be killed in most brutal manner by the prison guards on the otherside of the prison wall, yet they breached it anyways & slaughtered the guards along with other "civilians", many of whom were benefiting from and enjoying the fruits of Palestinian imprisonment, in peace, right outside prison gates. Hamas, one of the forms Palestinian resistance takes, took many Israeli civilians hostage as a form of insurance, knowing the enemy is inhuman & the only insurance they have against that brutal enemy is the hostages --- if the attack succeeds.
Ofcourse, it goes without saying, Hamas ruling class is not same as Hamas cadre. And the element of religiosity generally is not going to lead to a good outcome. Palestinian ruling class (Hamas or even more evil collaborator "Palestinian Authority") is no different than every other ruling class — a force of evil.
But it's an unavoidable fact that when you are systematically denied the tools of self-defence, when you are occupied, some of the ruling class gangsters within these political formation will be forced to fight an evil bigger than them & that's exactly what Hamas action amounts to.
Hamas is like those men who preach & fight for equality in society, while they still practice/benefit from the system of domination inside the house that patriarchy grants them. It doesn't mean those external actions of these men don't have any merit, nor are they clean. Even they are as powerless in the relationship they have with Israel, so they have the legitimacy to fight back, tho they are a ruling class faction.
Hamas will need to be resisted but primarily by Palestinians if & when they acquire the collective power to resist both Israel & Hamas. Based on reality on ground, this is impossible as of now. So, some of the options Palestinians considered legitimate for their emancipation is fight with everything you got (which includes Hamas) & try to see how one can destroy the ruling class enemy within i.e Hamas, which I believe is the story of many 3rd world "nations" that are created since WW2. Maybe there are other paths, which I am sure people would point them out if & when they open up.
Till then, real-world is no Hollywood fantasy story. There are no clean hands in history that made actual impact against a foe with disproportionate violence at his disposal. Only Trial & Error, often taking most bloodiest of forms.
We all will have quite passionate & bitter conflicts with each other even in anarchist society, but we resolve them thru means other than mere violence or appeal to the morality (or lack there of) of bigger goon like State (which is what we do now & the whole point of Courts who allegedly give us so called "Justice"). We will have no overlord who imposes their will over our disputes & we will learn to live with knowing the fact that we cant impose our will unjustly over others & if we try to be unjust, others will fight back using physical violence if necessary & that violence is considered legitimate by most in society.
Thats the only sensible way to live so far as I can see.
Anarchist society will be as realistic human society as it will ever be, but built around disincentivising violence & dehumanisation. When each of us know we cant dominate the next person without serious consequences, we learn to create structures that disincentivises conflict, ones that are built around our needs where violence is not profitable to engage in.
Current conflict "resolution" is primarily built around appealing to the threat of violence by a bigger goon like State (i.e imposing the will of ruling class over all of us), which is no resolution, rather it's an open threat by ruling class.
In anarchist society (just like in every society — anarchist/not), ultimate tool will always be threat/manifestation of violence, but this threat will be from those who suffered/likely suffer harm because of our actions & inactions. They will have near equal power to me/you & if we try to be unfair to them, we need to operate under the assumption that we have near equal thing to lose.
There will be no higher power to appeal to other than negotiating our way out of the dispute in question (or) learn to live with it.
Happy to listen. I fix my flaws by listening, learning, sharing & opining(in that order). I fail often, but I try nevertheless. You've to excuse me when I get angry about those who attempt to build &/ impose hegemony.ViewsRepresentative Democracy=ScamState=ThugCapitalism(incl Intellectual Property)=ThieveryPhilanthropy=PR expense for Big thievesThinktank, Media, Religion=PropagandaUnorthodox opinions. Potty mouthed(Follow/Boost/Fav = Complicated)#nobot #noarchive #noindex