@nosat@victor@demitasse Facts are not "idealistic", facts are facts. You repeat the same thing enemy has full control over fiat like i don't know that. I am not talking about fiat. Cash can be tied to gold or anything set by authority in nation. I can pay with cash no one knows I am even paying with it. That is aspect of freedom i am talking about. Monero is not fungible it's not safe nothing digital is, you didn't verify code yourself you can't even, nor I. You can verify bank note, old grandma can verify banknote. That is properties of money. Moneros doesn't have any and you are FORCING people to use computers. You are forcing NWO! on people do you realize that? You were caught in their trap. You will use exactly nothing because if there will be no notes in 10 years no one will accapt monero. You will have hard times to realize economy is social not antisocial. I am not talking about buyin some VPN talking about not starving. What you desribe is also called Casino capitalism you idealistically think how you will use monero, gambling token. Meaning you will exploit people same way casinos do while those who will be forced to buy monero high will starve because they won't be able to sell it. That is communism. Do you know why there will hypothetically not be banknotes in 10 years? Because you helped to put them out of circulaton with digital means. You do not regulate price of monero. Who controls nation controls economy, who controls economy controls value of monero. You can't have healthy economy without control over nation. So your Monero can be made worthless in a day, you can issue how many wothless digits you want. It's not money. But same is true in reverse, What cash is tied to can be fixed in one day if pwople take back controld over nation that will serve to them not opposite.
You want to fix economy? Eradicate fiat? Only one way and only one man acheived that in history. Eradicate jews out of key positions in Nation. But you never looked into it in 3 years, rather you are deceived by hegelian dialectic tactics of your enemy like jewish crypto, jewish anarchy, jewish libertarianism all to destory nations, you are race-blind distracted and basically resigned to address the cause. If somone takes control over nation trough fiat with force I am not going to do mental gymnastics adopting experiment that will sink nation into communism and holodomor. The only solution logically is to take back control. Are you doing it? Are you helping to destory it or repair it? You can't? Can you? Because you lost sense of what is nation. That nation is interconnection of basic units of society, families by blood, (not nigger or asian thinking he can buy any land in Austria perhaps because he won a lot of monero gambling) and nigger from africa has no natural right to decide about lives of people in Austria any more then Austrian in Africa. Why? Because people spilled blood for it. Don't want to respect that? I friendly warn you nature always finds it's way and it might be your blood spilled next in vein for your ignorance. Every authority is bad to you, but by that you are disobeying only authority that you are not above, law of nature that results in leadership of mentally and phisically strong and ultimate authority the truth. But your thesis is based on layers of lies and reversed anti-natural principles thus jewish.
Additionally did people vote about Monero? In every country? Wait what? No? because it's forced globalism by deranged communists who don't understand history and have asocial personality issues. Monero means communism and jewish capital exploitation, until natural order isn't reestablished. If you want to accept being higher monero social class just like in Communist regimes you will have to accept consequences that will historically follow.
@demitasse@victor@nosat He was saying how there will be no cash. So there will be no cash because everyone is using cash? Or there will be no cash because people stop using it in favor of digital payment including monero? It's not direct force. Same as masks tests wasn't direct force. There was no law. It was social pressure snitching an bullying. It was about mass acceptance of something that wasn't normal. Trough overton window. I didn't say he is forcing monero, I said he is forcing digitalization and I am surprised he and you are not seeing it. Did you forget how they made propaganda that cash is filthy dangerous and has "viruses"? So why are you giving it up? Every single step of adopting digital currency that undermines last freedom, cash, means destruction of cash. That is goal of NWO. That is fact and it's hegelian dialectic. You pay with monero basically only because you are not solving problems which functioning government would in a day. If we can't even agree on this how can we resist organized enemy apart that we are not adressing cause but circling around another, from millions of consequences, another hole enemy made in a ship? You decided to patch hole while I am talking about preventing enemy making new holes. I didn't say monero is jewish plot but it's powerless solution used to advance agenda " until natural order isn't reestablished. ".
>circumvent jewish market control, manipulation, and surveillance.
Circumventing would look like 0 volatility. Did you circumvent it during covidism? Did you control monero value? I did not but someone clearly did since it's not living organism, that someone was also clearly global element, once again someone globally controls portion of economy but it's not nation (it's people). that is supposed to be good? I don't follow the benefits. That someone is replacement of your government but this time you can't even do anything about it. The value of monero depends on market, so no you can't logically circumvent anything, you can only gamble well. Reminder that jewish market control, manipulation, and surveillance can be ended in one day. History is proof. This is road to nowhere. Pay with it, I am fine with that, but pretending this changes politics or harms Judeocracy is just not understanding the radix. What can you pay for with monero without adoption? You don't even have to answer here I got you into stalemate because adopting Monero en-mass results in global currency, no nation (people) can control it for their benefit, force to use computers, and permanent record only hoping no one will ever decrypt that. Which no one can guarantee. And you have population addicted to digitalization like it's not enough already. You suggest global currency against globalism? Monero is just like that mask to me, moving the goalposts, I will not wear it. It's just ...a Monero...
@victor@nosat@demitasse It's false equivalency. I am talking about cash as physical paper that is untraceable and fungible. What it's tied to is irrelevant for this argument. Monero is not some Perpetuum mobile live organism. It simply isn't money. No crypto qualifies as money, all crypto is by factual state globaly controllable digital fiat making nations obsolete. Excuse me what? Was there referendum for that? Who pushed this bullshit into minds of people? Today liberals communists and alternative very often forget to stick to definitions and fall for redefining the terms. Definition of money is central currency, issued by nation websters1913.com/words/Money . NONE of these people want to solve actual problem. Jewish occupied nations. And by sophisticated trick they choose to further achieve goal of NWO because they don't understand history not economy. Only those seeking to destroy Nations promote crypto, knowingly or not. Last sentence I agree 100%.
@nosat@demitasse Monero doesn't solve anything. You still need to pay bills and gov. wants it digital. Here in Europe they have almost completely eradicated possibility of paying by cash. You can but you are discriminated and punished by fees, poor people are not able to afford such luxury. Destrustion of cash is goal. Monero is helping it, it's used by the enemy, because very few people are willing to meaningfully fight or even talk about enemy, the cause. Therefore Monero is currently enemy.
@demitasse@nosat I have completely abandoned Monero. Might be best private crypto there is, problem is people behind it are normie retards, Covidiots, and a lots of communists and liberals — Hypocrites. Best case scenario, people will start using it as a currency. But it's not currency. It's casino capitalism, still forced digitalization, volatility is still dependant on politics of shekel. It's just diversion at this point for me.
@demitasse "We are finding ourselves being ushered into a 1984 hive-mind world where our dreams, loves and weaknesses are nothing more than dossiers up for trade by corporate and government interests. It’s time we started to lay the road to alternative futures; incentivized, decentralized mixnets are a critical piece of the puzzle.
Gavin Wood
Web 3 Foundation"
-Web 3 Foundation partner of WEF finance.yahoo.com/news/web3-foundation-partners-world-economic-150000002.html -doublespeak > lay the road to alternative futures (NWO) ; incentivized (social credit, yes sir govern me harder daddy), decentralized mixnets are a critical piece of the puzzle (bla bla bla) -Our "saviors" :hands: - cached on internet written as WEF in leet W3F
@cjd Sadly Scientific fraud is not entertaining You assume spread and you believe it. I did too before I started verifying it. You claim it yet can't prove it experimentally, yet your burden of proof.
contagion myth alone was experimentally disproven long time ago search # tag "rosenauexperiment" likewise no one proved otherwise
There is no short version. Everyone of us had to do weeks of research and unlearning lies. You can't learn something without research. All you need to do is look into our arguments. I can't do it for you.
Short: Germ theory is religion Terrain model is science. You must go into the radix of problem, understand what constitutes a proof for a virus and try to find it opening random study like I and many tried and failed in 2020. It's only fulfilling kochs postulates. Problem is they were never fulfilled. Virologists even admit it. Without that all other arguments based on this premise are invalidated, like sequencing odysee.com/@OzFlor:7/Lanka:a
@cjd you know how I meant it. We heard these questions thousands of times. Let's try like this: Even if we assume for a second hypothetically you "got IT" it doesn't prove it was caused by a "virus". Only the kochs postulates could prove it. What i find most people are weirdly afraid to stop "assuming". Problem is there is no one cause to one symptom, same as as there is no one cause when a scab forms. For example chicken pox, smallpox blablablapox is all the same symptom you find that dissected on viroliegy website too. It's not a "thing" It's a detox reaction/healing phase your body triggers to specific poisoning overload in body. And this is where you understand how allopathic medicine works. It interrupts healing, thus often if one is (un)lucky, killing people, which is goal. Proof: Iatrogenesis is among most common causes of death (even according to official stats) example search #tag "chemocaust"
Bioweapons also don't exist. Premise of bioweapon is germ theory, There are only chemical weapons.
- Yes they did, ex. Stefan Lanka, ex-virologist. Dissident for 30 years. Won in court. No one cares. - Censored silence ruined by jews, smeared by useful idiots like you right now - Healing, stress, toxins, Both Placebo and Nocebo are scientifically proven facts. None of that has to do anything with existence of "virus" particle. - Outbreal also doesn't prove "virus" Read the book - VitD is not even a vitamin but a hormone. What is gas chamber doing in Auschwitsz?