Trying to move to a cheaper tier of Internet service with Xfinity. I have 1000 Mbps now, and that's $85/mo. If I cut that in *half,* it only saves me $10.
If I cut it down to 300 Mbps, then it's $55/mo. Shit
So is 300 Mbps going to be ok for a house where one person works from home (including hosting webinars and video meetings), and two kids who will occasionally download and play co-op video games online?
saying Russian bots are capable of manipulating social justice movements in a meaningful way is another way of saying you don't think much of the intelligence of the people behind those movements
This is so fuckin frustrating. I am absolutely spinning my wheels here. I can't find housing that makes sense. I'm not dealing with the way I'm feeling super well. I'm keeping up at work passably and eating like shit. The only thing I'm doing well is kissing people, and that isn't helping
it's as though you can't just make huge money doing something profitable. You have to make unprecedented amounts of money doing something that remakes the entire world economy or it's not worth dirtying your hands
I'm not a "capitalism has lost its way" person by any stretch, but you have to think a Vanderbilt or a Carnegie would be putting everything into shit like this and knifing everyone who got in their way instead of piddling around with AI or crypto or whatever made-up horseshit is preoccupying today's capitalists.
there's so many things that we need a lot of and we just aren't making.
A capitalist who was on their shit properly could make a killing under such conditions, but they don't because this system, for all its other problems, doesn't even manage to be efficient.
Just have a planned economy and make the shit you know you need.
@deathtoamerica what's funny is Biden had an extraordinarily good debate performance as VP. It's just that his brain melted and his team of cowards kept it secret until they couldn't anymore
yes, my life is fucked up right now But I prefer to think of it as that moment where James Brown is stumbling exhausted away from the mic and someone brings him his power cape until he can be filled with the power of funk anew
Feel free not to respond to my follow request. It's totally fine! I'm an old millennial married dad who cooks & writes. I post about food, politics, nature, art, parenting, D&D, Star Trek, gardening. he/him. bi/pan/wife guy. I am a communist. Anti-communists don't interact