@icedquinn@PurpCat@Lyx@jeffcliff@sun Interesting similar issue on what might be considered the other side, back in the day when people exported cryptographic code printed in hardcopy books in OCR fonts because that was legal and exporting disks or network downloads wouldn't have been.
@jeffcliff@icedquinn@PurpCat@Lyx@sun "Plain text not PNG" should already be covered by the requirement to provide source in the preferred form for making modifications - though I am aware of, and have written about, the point that "should already be covered" is not dispositive of concerns in practice.
@Sandelinos More importantly, signing onto the social justice campaign that the Contributor Covenant represents is not what free software is about, and not a harmless background point either. I don't know if you read the articles by Patterson and Penner I linked to shortly after my Kicad comments, but they are quite relevant, as is this one I wrote myself:
@Sandelinos Those particular examples are suspect, too: Mastodon has attempted to colonize the pre-existing federated network with a number of problematic cultural-change campaigns, this being part of that pattern; and git and the Linux kernel were both under duress with blackmail threats aimed at Linus Torvalds.
However, I mention the "others are doing it" point only because you did; it's not a positive argument "against," only to be hesitant about one of the arguments made "for."
I don't know what if anything KiCAD 7, even, would give me over 6. Let alone 8. There's something to be said for using the latest version so others can read my files, but on the other hand, since KiCAD signed onto the Contributor Covenant I'm not so sure I want to be part of encouraging people to use or support it anymore., and if compatibility with others isn't an issue I might as well stick to version 6. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a free alternative.
Doing end-of-year bookkeeping (year end was September 30); already delayed a week because of this video card nonsense. I find I must check something in KiCAD, so I go to open the program (Kicak 6 because that's what was installed) and find it doesn't work, complaining about a library missing that no doubt was deleted during the recent "upgrade."
After several hours of work trying to compile KiCAD 8, I ended up digging out the backups to restore the old library so I could run 6.
@Sandelinos Others doing it is seldom a good reason to do something and especially not for signing onto a political campaign, because "others are doing it!" is used by such campaigns as a dishonest recruitment tactic. If today Kicad joins because Mastodon, git, and the Linux kernel did, then tomorrow Frobozz will be told "Mastodon, git, the Linux kernel, *and Kicad* have joined!" and the day after that it'll be "...and Frobozz!" Soon all projects are in the position of Havel's greengrocer.
@lain Those are deltas from the same groups at time -1; not showing differences in how many actually were medicated overall.
For instance, if almost all the "medical" group were already medicated before starting, then they couldn't possibly go up more than a few percent, whereas if a tiny minority of another group were medicated before they started, but then that tiny minority doubled, it'd be a 100% increase.
@lain Who put the Trump in the Trumpadumpadump? Who put the Kam in the Kamalamadingdong? Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand. He made my baby fall in love with me.
@modulux If someone were described as doing a calculation with a pocket calculator, would it be okay to use a real pocket calculator to compute the numbers to put into the story?
I recently discovered to my displeasure that Google has quietly dropped large swathes of my personal site from its index - including nearly all of my fiction, and some of my most important non-fiction pieces. Note this is *not* just a matter of deranking pages; the pages are actually not in the index at all, invisible to even the most carefully targeted search queries. Search Console reports them as "Crawled - currently not indexed," which means absolutely nothing.