Am Mittwoch 31.1. gegen 18.30 Uhr soll es in #Lauffen zu einem Angriff auf einen Radfahrer gekommen sein. Ein PKW hat den Pedelec-Radler verfolgt und dann gerammt. Der Radler wurde einige Meter mitgeschleift und erlitt Schürfungen sowie Prellungen an Händen und Knien. Die Polizei bittet um Hinweise.
A few pictures from the walk through the beech woods we took last Sunday. I just can't get enough of the spring green of the beech trees. Some of the paths were quite muddy after the rain, but I was still surprised that we didn't see anyone except a few people walking their dogs. And it also reminded me a bit of Scotland.
I've set the "bell" flag for a few accounts now and it's working fine when they post a new toot, but I don't get any notification when these accounts reply to another toot. Is there any way to be informed about replies as well?
A slightly unseasonal purchase at 32°C today. Inspired by this article , I've been on the lookout for one of these copper water bottles for a few weeks. I'm going to put it below my desk in winter, so that I can lower the temperature of the room a little bit without my feet getting cold.
I'm here to have conversations and exchange ideas, not to gather a large number of followers. So I prefer follow requests from people who have interacted with me before.Most toots auto-delete after 1 month.No boosts without alt text.#nobot #noindex #nosearch